Example sentences of "[conj] we could [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 The whole thing seemed faithfully in the past , where we could regard it with intense interest , and surround it with historical debate , but where it could do us , and our generation , no harm .
2 And the Scottish Highlands may be the only remaining region in the UK where we could find it .
3 Or we could leave it up to the electricity generators to reduce the impact , at the expense of higher bills .
4 one of our serious of the year , we should er extend that debate er we could extend as late perhaps half past one for lunch or we could bring it to half way between half past one , so the feeling in respect of that
5 It had certainly been built to last , and although we could see it had lost a lot of windows and the stonework was damaged , it was obviously going to be standing there a few more years yet .
6 Its original purpose was to enable us to turn our work so that we could rehang it with the plain side towards us , knit a few rows of reversed stocking stitch and then turn it back again to continue in stocking stitch or pattern .
7 We had to organise it so that we could move it on a Saturday night from Manchester to Oxford and get it ready for a full orchestra , circus , and technical rehearsal on Tuesday afternoon .
8 the point of view that the P A was booked for four thirty , so that we could set it up
9 You look ready to dance with rage , and although we might collect a few pennies from them in return for our providing such a spectacle I hardly think that we could put it on as a permanent entertainment ! ’
10 Somewhat cheekily that committee came back to us and asked us very nicely would we provide about twenty five for the force , which we thought was a cheek but having said that we 've actually looked at it and there may well be a way that we could afford it .
11 It was all quite civilised and there were so many of us girls there that we could take it in turn to do the observations .
12 Envy between the sexes is so common that we could say it is inevitable — even natural .
13 As far as I could tell , the roof seemed to be consuming money faster than we could give it .
14 The demons of early agony of being abandoned when left alone for longer than we could bear it , the terror of being annihilated by a raging adult , the suffocating experience of being trapped in the tunnel of our mother 's body with a cord tightening round our neck … it is hard to face those feelings again .
15 Then they You dropped the old er breasts of lamb in the old stew pot , chop it up , and then if there was any left , me Mam used to take it out , so we could eat it cold .
16 He finished scribbling and held the Filofax sheet up so we could see it .
17 Well we 've asked him to meet us with regard to the footpaths , so we could use it for that at the same time ,
18 and we could send it anonymously
19 ‘ I just wish we had a money tree and we could shake it and produce money to save the Naze . ’
20 And we could make it better by making sure that the bags came in more correct like what Simon 's doing now with those printed labels .
21 If we could have it in writing and we could publicise it I 'm sure they would where to go and how to do it .
22 It was circular in shape and we could fit it up to take any number of wheels — three or four pairs if need be .
23 The landlord said that we could have the hall on Sunday evenings to run the club , and we could have it for nothing as he would make his money on increased bar sales .
24 Mum we 've got a scoop and we could put it in there
25 Erm and and and we could take it back to the hundred days episode when the great powers have all er decided to er er to prevent Napoleon from making a comeback in France .
26 ‘ It would be a start , and we could take it from there .
27 Originally cost twenty pounds and we could get it for ten it 's er
28 Our bullets could hurt it , and we could kill it .
29 It 's a good story to get him to do Shakespeare cos we could write it in , you know , Shakespeare in Rodney plonker language , you know .
30 Oh yes , she she knew what cos we could see it by her face .
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