Example sentences of "[conj] we had been [adv] " in BNC.

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1 We headed for the 4th Squadron where we had been officially invited by some of the English members .
2 Now that we had been here for nearly seven weeks , we were beginning to wonder if the final climax would ever take place at all .
3 ‘ If the fact that we had been here came out , the source of the information would be obvious . ’
4 Later he said to me that we had been very helpful to him and he said it 's bad enough to be depressed but when you 're depressed and hungry , it 's really bad .
5 If we had been away and had a long night-time car journey ahead of us , ’ he said , ‘ we used to put the children in their pyjamas and wrap them in blankets before we started .
6 You and I might have done the same if we had been there , though we would have had none of the technical skill and detailed knowledge of Fleming .
7 We would n't have found it difficult to reconstruct the exchange even if we had been too far away to hear what was said .
8 We had never worked together , but we had been in and out of each other 's views and policies about education .
9 Our neighbour , who had been given a key to check on our house while we had been away , had thoughtfully lit a fire to welcome us home .
10 While we had been out Mrs Taylor had placed the paper in position .
11 Since we had been back in Reine , Jean-Claude had stopped speaking of Montaine 's death as if it haunted him unduly .
12 Then at the hotel , he was recognized and before we had been there for five minutes Radio Gibraltar was down to interview him .
13 After we had been constantly studying the sky for a few months and getting the feel of things , we did tend to develop a sixth sense regarding the weather , a bit like farmers .
14 And , backing this melodic chorus , we were aware of another noise — as we had been on and off throughout the day — the all-pervasive hum of the power station transformers .
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