Example sentences of "[conj] we had been [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Although we had been in the land of constant daylight for several days , the sun had been hidden for much of the time by high cloud .
2 We returned to Makassar from the Toraja highlands with dangerously diminished funds , realizing that we had been in Celebes for two months and that the chances of finding a prahu which could carry us the nearly two thousand miles to the Aru Islands were remote .
3 We were in precisely the same place that we had been in three dawns previously !
4 Our billetors were obliged to provide us with breakfast , which might be taken about 7.30 ( or 10.30 if we had been on night duty ) , and one other meal which had also to be a moveable feast .
5 If we had been at home Rachel might have been spending the day with us instead . ’
6 The Billeting Office found us accommodation , but no one appeared to be responsible for us otherwise , though I expect we could have gone to our administrative chief Harold Fletcher , if we had been in any serious trouble .
7 While we had been on the opposite bank a new barge had come upriver from the direction of Minya and had moored near the end of the Corniche .
8 After we had been at school for about three years Arnold Hodson , who had been Consul in Southern Abyssinia , was staying with us at the beginning of the holidays .
9 If people had been in a building after we had been round testing it and seen it secure , they 'd come out and leave it open .
10 When we had been in Manchester only a week , a week of arduous rehearsals and long hours , Vicky could keep little food down and , frantic with worry for her , I urged her to go home now .
11 Quite normal duties for a revenue cutter , but there was nothing normal about that particular week we spent in Ullapool at the end of which we all felt as though we had been through a wringer .
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