Example sentences of "[conj] we do not have " in BNC.

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1 It would be more accurate to say that although we do not have a right to such things we do have freedom to do them .
2 Although we do not have a satisfactory explanation for the U/Pb fractionation , it must have occurred at shallow depths in the mantle , near a spreading ridge ; and the resulting enriched source regions have since remained fixed relative to the migrating lithosphere .
3 Although we do not have a written constitution there are many Acts of Parliament relevant to constitutional laws .
4 Although we do not have such specific documentation for Louis I , married to Marie Mauger , and his sons Jacques ( -Jean ) , Louis and Jean they too would have manufactured under a single family mark .
5 For example , although we do not have in English the grammaticalization of the levels of respect that exist in Javanese , we do have means of expressing degrees of respect , largely by choices in the use of expressions : thus ( 31 ) would generally be a more polite request than ( 30 ) : ( 30 ) I want to see you for a moment ( 31 ) I wondered if I could possibly see you for a moment So by taking at first just the grammaticalized or encoded features of context in the world 's languages , we would have both something like a " discovery procedure " for relevant functions of language , and a constraint on the relatively vacuous theorizing that often attends speculation about the " functions of speech " .
6 Some argue that we do not have enough proof of danger to justify stricter controls on dumping or to warrant the extra expenditure involved .
7 ‘ Our biggest problem is that we do not have an organisation in the country that has a monitoring role for the quality of our soil . ’
8 We are at a disadvantage in Britain in that we do not have a revolutionary doctrine to preach : a vivid message that promises an unattainable millennium .
9 We possess no cell types that the chimpanzee does not , nor does the chimpanzee have any cell types that we do not have .
10 Our problem is not that we have the wrong answers to particular doubts but that we do not have the right attitude to doubt in general .
11 Having conquered the killer epidemics of infectious diseases it seems strange that we do not have a greater life expectancy in this sense too .
12 The greatest number of past lives experienced by any of my patients during the course of such discovery is eight — but this does not mean that we do not have far more than that , simply that the patient chose to stop after that number .
13 The point here is that we do not have an applicable criterion of a correct verdict other than the one which results from a fair trial ( Rawls , 1972 , pp. 83–9 ) .
14 Women are often brought up to feel that their pleasure is less important than their partner 's or that we do not have the right to ask for what we want .
15 This is that we do not have an a priori conception of reality which allows for a range of possible universes , empirical inquiry determining just which of those possibilities is realized .
16 Also , when considering development , it must be stressed that we do not have to depend on an infinite regress .
17 Since women 's place in the sociology of work is very much a secondary one it follows that we do not have enough empirical data to determine the relative importance to women of their experiences in the occupational sector .
18 That we do not have such an answer , it can be argued , is the fact that what follows , from the occurrence of the effect , is only that that circumstance or another occurred .
19 The first is that we do not have a certain general idea , since often we do not have certain specific ideas .
20 In this chapter , I have shown that we do not have to think of academic freedom in this way .
21 But what methods has he that we do not have at our disposal already ? ’
22 The difficulty is that we do not have enough evidence to come to a sure conclusion .
23 In addition we feel that we do not have the technical or professional expertise to know whether our ideas are actually workable , given the various constraints .
24 However , we shall be satisfied only when no more such arrests are made , so that we do not have to go through the same business all over again .
25 Is not it the case that we do not have widely available anywhere near the diversity of potatoes that is available in other countries , such as the United States ?
26 I am afraid that we do not have later figures , figures for registered disabled people or figures comparable with the monthly claimant count .
27 The notion that we do not have to have anything to do with those who want to smoke is odious , as my hon. Friend the Member for Cardiff , West and Penarth ( Mr. Michael ) has said .
28 We are talking about a return of local nationalism , which is something that we do not have over here .
29 Remember , too , that we do not have to ask you here .
30 Stoppard 's stage directions are so explicit here that we do not have to watch the TV production in order to appreciate the impact of Anderson 's action .
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