Example sentences of "[conj] we [am/are] [vb pp] to " in BNC.

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1 This is so refreshing in our instant culture , where we are invited to ‘ do ’ the Lake District in a week !
2 Where we are held to be contracting carriers for the purposes of air or sea carriage please note that our liability is limited in the manner provided by relevant international conventions , ‘ special contract ’ with Governments or UK statute law .
3 The two elements are equally well reconciled in ‘ Frost at Midnight ’ , where we are introduced to the workings of the ‘ Spirit ’ to a large degree ; the very setting of the poem , where the poet finds that ‘ at my side my cradled infant slumbers peacefully ’ suggests the power of creation ; it is partly owing to the silent yet undeniable presence of the product of his own regeneration that allows Coleridge to ascend to the levels of ‘ meditation with its strange and extreme silentness ’ .
4 Although we are treated to a number of informative step-by-step demonstrations of work in progress , the real value of the book lies in the breathtaking range of styles , subject matter and techniques , which demonstrate the extraordinary versatility of pastels .
5 The other thing that tends to throw people the first time they every do ad advocacy is that you 're going to talk to somebody who will not talk to you , who will not s possibly even smile at you , who wo n't give you the usual feedback that we 're u that we 're used to when we 're talking to someone .
6 Erm , our best estimate is that we need the six hundred and eighty six thousand that we 're committed to , plus another two hundred and seventeen thousand in terms of additional staff to deal with the additional demand as it comes in .
7 I 'm not asking that it transfer its estate , I 'm asking that it should make a contribution because it will then show that we 're committed to this very important initiative .
8 The development is one of recovery of health from sickness ; Hilton sees that man 's dual nature has a double inheritance : the sickness of the self that we are born to ( 3.19 – 20 ) and the transcendent " heritage of " ( Scale 2. 46.139r. – 301 ) that we can work towards : In The Scale Hilton developed at greater length the nature of the active and passive elements that belong to the contemplative life through which those who pursue it discover in the structure of their own experience the very being of Christ .
9 The fact that we call both our mother 's brother and father 's brother by the same term does not mean that we are unaware of the fact that we are related to them in different ways or that we can not express this difference by using such phrases as ‘ my uncle on my mother 's side ’ .
10 This means that we are seen to be thinking with our partner rather than thinking against them .
11 However , this good fortune can not be guaranteed and human psychology may be such that we are doomed to permanent hesitancy or disagreement , a fact with which each will have to cope from the perspective of his own attitudes .
12 This vulnerable state requires that we have a climate of service in our relationship , that we are committed to serving one another .
13 I can readily confirm to my hon. Friend , to whose long-held interest in education I pay tribute , that we are committed to continuing to fund adult education of all kinds — vocational , leisure , basic education and English as a second language .
14 As has been said in the House previously , my hon. Friend will know that we are committed to the work being done in the south Atlantic , which HMS Polar Circle will shortly be carrying out .
15 I give my hon. Friend the Member for Islington , South and Finsbury an undertaking that we are committed to a terminal at King 's Cross , but we are not necessarily committed to the expensive and grandiose project , which seems to depend on property values that were optimistic three or four years ago and are hopelessly pessimistic now .
16 ‘ If we want to develop we must assure Italian customers that we are committed to staying in Italy .
17 This was surprising because temperatures that we are used to in the room involve the motions of atoms and their electrons , but the nuclear processes occur on energy scales utterly unlike these ; it is the muon that provides the seed , not the temperature of the room .
18 As a result , there were simply more same-sex intimacies and ones of greater intensity than we are used to in our modern world , steeped as it is in post-Freudian heterosexuality .
19 The way that doctors and other staff associate with each other is much less formal than we are used to in Western countries .
20 There 's also more humour in the titles , lyrics and samples than we 're used to from the techno end of the market .
21 There 's also more humour in the titles , lyrics and samples than we 're used to from the techno end of the market .
22 That we are courteous , efficient , and we are seen to be a caring organisation .
23 Thus there is no world history , with clearly marked and universal stages of development , but only separate histories of different areas of the world ; and we are led to a conception like that of Max Weber , in which the unique features in the history of Western Europe , and especially those which gave an impetus to the development of capitalism , are emphasized .
24 So , tending the sick becomes not a Christian duty but ‘ Hermetic rosicrucian dulia ’ , Hercules is ‘ another shamanic astronaut ’ and we are introduced to ‘ God and his female form the Shekinah ’ .
25 We are enjoined to transcend our bodily selves and we are enjoined to erm move to the level of intellect through contemplation , that is by pursuing philosophy we will withdraw ourselves from our mere bodily selves and be elevated to the realm of intellect .
26 We know that there is a limit to what Britain can achieve alone and we are committed to building in the wider world the sort of society we strive for at home , founded on mutual cooperation , political liberty and shared prosperity .
27 All our goods are handmade and we are committed to natural materials . ’
28 We are creating a business which can think on its feet and we are committed to building a company of quality . ’
29 ‘ It 's part of the pattern , Charles ; society disintegrates before our eyes and we are expected to paper over the cracks . ’
30 The state is nothing but a family and we 're related to his majesty Charles the First just as we are related to our dads as simple as that , you know , the private and the public are identical political relationships are fundamentally family relationships .
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