Example sentences of "[conj] we [vb base] to the " in BNC.

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1 Her girlfriend , Josephine , does not take to the water , so Kelly and I go in alone with Simone , treading in unison till the chill is mellowed , and swim to the deep end where we cling to the buoy and discuss other people .
2 Here we present a simple hierarchical model which also relaxes the assumptions of constant returns to scale and perfect competition , although we revert to the assumption of a single factor , labour , which is taken as the numeraire .
3 The Northumbrians were instructed not to establish as king anyone who was illegitimate ( a slighting reference perhaps to Aldfrith and his descendants , or , for all that we know to the contrary , to other rulers — Aethelwald or Alhred ) nor to conspire to kill a king who was the Lord 's anointed , and any bishop or priest who was involved in such a crime was to be expelled from the Church and any layman excommunicated .
4 It is only at this point that we come to the central theme , the reason why all those who wish to understand the problem of drugs in sport should read this book .
5 And it is here that we come to the nub , theoretically , of the problem with Adorno 's whole approach to listening Dick Bradley ( n.d. ) points out that within a Marxist framework production and consumption can not properly be given the near-identity which Adorno attributes to them .
6 This paradox about being able to predict one 's actions is closely related to the problem I mentioned earlier : Will the ultimate theory determine that we come to the right conclusions about the ultimate theory ?
7 I think it 's this weekend that we go to the fire station .
8 by the er Trading Association , it seems to me to be quite a sensible charter , and er I propose that we write to the Association saying this is very good and can we get it
9 Can I have your agreement that we write to the director of housing and ask for his position on it ?
10 certainly prior to the nineteen ninety two legislation erm in relation to what was er the was er required application but as you see since nineteen ninety two legislation , that petition was changed erm and in terms of the resolutions , we suggest that recognise the people concerned Hertfordshire and that they are taking into account the applications erm that we continue to work basically with H M I pollution aspects and that we respond to the Department of the Environment er expressing our concerns er er erm way in which er consultation has changed and in fact us .
11 It is against this background that we turn to the mathematics curriculum and ask what mathematics is relevant to real life .
12 He suggested that we adjourn to the bar .
13 But this does not mean that we swing to the opposite extreme and say that because doubt is a result of the Fall , all doubts are necessarily destructive , negative , even sinful .
14 We have seen significant changes world wide and that means that we should reappraise the amount of money that we devote to the diplomatic corps and to our aid budget .
15 Nevertheless , the fact remains that some of the points that we put to the Minister have not , in Leicestershire 's view , been adequately met .
16 John Dower , the father of the National Parks , got it right when he said that we look to the farming communities for the continuance not only of the landscape but of the drama itself , rural life and work .
17 The dramaturgical metaphor would suggest that we look to the audience for the arbitration of the action , and it is perhaps no surprise that the peer group emerged as crucial in this respect .
18 Wordsworth discovered and established those kinds of poetry which would best suit him ; it is in the German period that we travel to the furthest limits of the ‘ Wordsworthian ’ vision , in poems such as the ‘ Lucy ’ and ‘ Matthew ’ sequences , which are at one level blindingly clear , but in terms of prose exposition almost impossible to ‘ explain' .
19 Our samples that we ou our our effluence that we discharge to the rivers , met all the standards on ninety nine percent of samples last year .
20 The importance that we attach to the further education of adults will be clearly demonstrated through this debate .
21 James , writing in the New Testament , focuses on the fact that we pray to the ‘ giving God ’ , who enjoys giving to those who ask him .
22 And may I suggest that we add to the list , on the computer type it into this particular programme be , it 's called arts list
23 Mr Loyden had asked the Premier to ‘ acknowledge the fact that it is time to repay the debt that we owe to the Merchant Navy , which lost 30,000-plus seamen during the war years ’ .
24 That reflects two things — first , the shortened nature of this parliamentary Session , giving rise to the need to proceed with our Bills in an orderly way through Committee if we are to dispose of as many of them as possible ; and , secondly , the importance that we attach to this Bill , which is symbolic of the high priority that we give to the reform of further education , as well as higher education .
25 erm the format for these is one of four lectures , in which we revise in the first lecture ideas that are round about sixth form level and then in two lectures following that we take the teacher through , very quickly , the kind of coverage that we give to the topic in the university .
26 After the victory at the sea the triumph song , but hardly have the last notes escaped Israel 's lips than we come to the second story of complaint ( 15.22–7 ) .
27 ‘ We export more to France than we do to the entire 50 countries of the Commonwealth .
28 Life is essentially energy — so we return to the idea that ALL is ONE .
29 So we return to the men , non ? ’
30 In the midst of a lesson we have to cope , so we respond to the pressures of the moment .
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