Example sentences of "[conj] we [vb past] with [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You should also know that we consulted with your Corps commander this morning , ’ the Frenchman said , ‘ and he ordered that we should be given every possible assistance . ’
2 Death , take our hands and all that we built with them ;
3 We have businessmen , shop keepers , shop owners , professors in the university , teachers and the high level of the technical working class in our government posts are Palestinians , and we grew with them .
4 And we went with them to the zoo .
5 We moved in with them , although it meant I had a long journey to the hospital every day and I had to sleep there when I was on call , and we stayed with them until he was nine .
6 ‘ The call came through in the normal way and we dealt with it as we normally would , ’ he said .
7 When he finally arrived , a long , gangling slice of a man , and we commiserated with him on the waywardness of British Airways , he exploded with laughter , saying , ‘ I tell you this , I got here quicker in U.47 ! ’
8 It truly was winter sailing , but the camera crew had slept ashore and we rendezvoused with them in their camera boat down river at a civilised hour .
9 If we treated with them , we could gain valuable time — we need to wait for the Hopewell 's return .
10 We had a row with Lucas there because they had fitted fuel injection to Jimmy Clark 's Lotus , despite promising us exclusive use for the season if we persevered with it .
11 Richard has installed an organ in his living room , which we had an opportunity to hear when we stayed with him in August .
12 I felt inclined to congratulate her on her performance as we left with our solitary chop , but her interest had turned again and she was speaking of Egypt .
13 But as soon as we hit with something that was n't what we were about , we always tried to get the band back to what we thought it should be — three guitars and drums played loud by four New York bums .
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