Example sentences of "[conj] she did not [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Where she did not want to be exact , she hinted : secreting at the back of her mind the disgust , the shame …
2 Either she was left with the excellent non-skiing kindergarten , which she enjoyed but where she did not learn to ski , something she very much wanted to do , or she had to be put into skischool .
3 The family member will say that these things should help , that they are only part of normal family commitment and civilised behaviour and that , if he or she did not do these things , then the primary sufferer might die .
4 On the other hand , if the option is not exercised , the purchaser not only loses the initial value paid for the options themselves but also the commission paid on the shares he or she did not buy .
5 ‘ He or she did not resign at all . ’
6 For example , their practice of reiterated warnings to an individual of the wrongfulness of his or her words or actions may have been to ensure that he or she did not plead ignorance of wrongdoing , which could have been an acceptable defence in the courts .
7 It would have been interesting , and perhaps fairer , to have looked at the drama work in an authority either where no drama adviser existed or where he or she did not have the accolade of inspectorial approval .
8 The adult Eileen was quite intelligent enough to understand the devastating effects of those careless words on the child she had been — although she did not blame her mother in any way for using them .
9 Theodora was surprised , although she did not show it .
10 But Finn came and sat beside her and gave her another cream bun , which she accepted gladly as a token of friendship , although she did not want it .
11 But there were other things , things she remembered hearing had happened , although she did not want to alarm her daughter by warning her against them .
12 Although she did not watch the videos he made , through discussion she was able to help him to gain control of a class which had initially been ‘ unteachable ’ and to design a workcard and organize lessons in a planned way .
13 She uses her twelve ( or eighteen ) arms and all available weapons to dispense and destroy evil , although she did not relish inflicting pain or death .
14 Her house was always freezing cold in winter , although she did not seem to notice it .
15 ( Although she did not seem so very surprised . )
16 Although she did not seem to be listening , Dexter knew from experience that she would remember everything important he had told her .
17 Her eyelids flickered , although she did not train their stare upon her visitors .
18 Cornwallis-West became enamoured of Mrs Campbell ; this was the effective end of his marriage to Jennie , although she did not divorce him until 1913 , when she reverted to the name of Lady Randolph Churchill .
19 Although she did not know he had sex with Miss A in a bathroom above his Harley Street surgery , she claimed she did not feel threatened by another of his affairs .
20 Alix , although she did not know it , was pregnant .
21 She knew , although she did not know for quite how long , she had been running aimlessly .
22 But suddenly the thought of her mama was painful to her , and to push it away she leaned back again , said , amusement plain in her voice , which , although she did not know it , surprised Neil Cochrane a little , ‘ Oh , I will be good , because in my present condition I can not be anything else , I fear . ’
23 And when she went down for a cup of tea , her mother mentioned casually that Parr had gone to Belfast , not to England as expected , although she did not know why .
24 Although she did not look at Jake , she could feel he was watching her and that he knew what had stopped her dead in her tracks .
25 But although she did not deny it she knew nothing .
26 Although she did not deny that he was handsome and in many ways attractive , she could not envisage herself in an intimate relationship with him .
27 Grainne stood very still , although she did not close her eyes , for to do so in here , with a creature , a something that was watching from the shadowy corners and grinning and copying her every move , was not to be thought of .
28 She enjoyed their company , although she did not read their books as closely as they might have wished , for she had a strong and idiosyncratic sense of history , particularly of the Stuart period ( like my grandfather , she was a descendant of Charles II , in her case from Nell Gwyn , in his from Lucy Walter ) .
29 On the evidence in the present case I am satisfied that one reason why the plaintiff did so much for the deceased was her belief that , although she was not a blood relative of his , he would leave his estate to her on his death ; but , on the authority of Greasley v Cooke [ 1980 ] 1 WLR 1306 , if the evidence was not sufficient to establish this positively , the plaintiff would still succeed on the fourth element in the absence of proof that she did not rely on the deceased 's statements .
30 Jorden v. Money can be distinguished , because there the promisor made it dear that she did not intend to be legally bound , whereas in the cases to which I refer the proper inference was that the promisor did intend to be bound .
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