Example sentences of "[conj] she be be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The writer may seem to be actively creating , whereas in fact he or she is being passively fashioned by the public 's desires , ‘ built by the House ’ of fame .
2 So , it was really thanks to Jeff , she thought , that she was being unwillingly forced to join Guido in his search for his boat .
3 ‘ You ought to make Beuno take you to the concert , ’ she said , thinking instantly that she was being cruelly tactful .
4 The landlady repeated that she was being very lenient with him but generosity on her part was not without limits , my girl .
5 That she was being merely tiresome was undoubted .
6 But she knew that she was being less than honest .
7 Ronni had the distinct sensation that she was being cleverly manipulated into a defensive little corner .
8 Larry is with her and she 's being very brave .
9 Now , she were a bit upset cos I bought her dinner and that , and she were were n't too happy cos I paid her bus fare .
10 I had no money and she was being highly irresponsible .
11 She had n't imagined that this woman could be at all assertive , but she was being exactly that now , and Alain had so far said nothing at all .
12 Because she was being slowly smothered by the Melanisms ?
13 She had her backstage duties to attend to , and when she was was n't in front of the footlights she was hunched over the book in the prompt corner .
14 ‘ Guy is not a yuppie , ’ Charles remonstrated , in the voice he reserved for humouring his little sister when she was being most irritating , ‘ He just happens to be a very successful … ’ her brother hesitated a fraction as if searching for the most appropriate description ‘ … entrepreneur . ’
15 He had quite often , in the past , when she was being more than usually irritating , had fantasies about her death .
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