Example sentences of "[conj] she be not going " in BNC.

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1 If you do n't tell him it though and you assume he 's gon na to pick it up just by looking at your eyes he 's not going to or she 's not going to pick it up .
2 In a way , she had come close to hating Nona at times , although she was not going to admit it .
3 And for a female it may be possible that she 's not going to get a full pension anyway , she may have er had time out , not paid contributions right the way through etcetera .
4 She may know that she is not going to recover from the blow of widowhood any sooner than other women do , many of whom at least have a large legacy of happy memories upon which to draw in the years ahead of them .
5 Then he understood that she was not going to help him , because she wanted him to make the choice .
6 She decided then and there that she was not going to stand for it .
7 He had taken it , now , that she was not going ; she expected to see resentment blossom , but he did not resent it .
8 I always knew that she was not going to stay — perhaps I 'll be better without her .
9 She had been gone nearly two hours and Sara decided that she was not going to walt up for her .
10 While it was sad that , from what Travis had said about everything with Rosemary being all over , she too might never see him again , she felt nothing but joy that she was not going to see his overbearing cousin again either .
11 She knew , as she carried articles that required hanging up through to the wardrobes , that she was not going to tresspass any further on Ven 's generosity than to partake of a cup of tea with him .
12 But Ven , who must be feeling drained from his labours , had just stated that he would be ready to discuss the interview soon — she somehow knew then that she was not going to get a better offer from him than that .
13 Phyllisia told her father that she was not going back .
14 ‘ And she likes the house to stay just the same , ’ she remarked to Fru Gertlinger , as she swept back through the green-baize door for yet more toast , ‘ so she 's not going to object to the blue room being returned to its former colours .
15 she is one wanting er referrals from Mr so she 's not going to say oh well you know there 's something wrong there , you know ?
16 ‘ I 've promised to take Claudia away for the weekend , and she 's not going to let me off it even though we 're so shorthanded .
17 I was always the buffer between the two , I used to say I agree with you dear , I do n't want her to wear nylons , that 's not the point , all her friends are wearing nylons and she 's not going to be the
18 And she 's not going to .
19 Elisabeth already felt herself rebuked in the presence of Fru Møller and the Colonel — over matters beyond her control — and she was not going to add to that burden of disapproval if she could avoid it ; not again .
20 Jane , because she was a mistress , rarely had an opportunity to attend the more elegant events of society , and she was not going to miss this chance of being seen at a duchess 's ball .
21 She admitted it but that was , she had drunk more than her share , that was , it was not to be taken seriously , there were , she could n't even remember saying it , it could have been him , he was drunk was n't he , misunderstanding or even making it up , after all he had done it , not her , he had taken the boy to London , she was asleep , did n't even hear them go , he had taken the boy and left him there , OK , lost him there , easy to do in London but better find him or all hell would break loose and she was not going to carry the can , not for anybody .
22 If it had a secret she would do her best to discover it and she was not going to miss the trail across the Mountains of the Moon to what was undoubtedly the greatest small picture in the world .
23 Dave did not like the past and she was not going to risk losing any part of the present .
24 Eva Burrows had found her " shining person " and she was not going to be deflected from following Him .
25 Mrs Terry Place was not a girl to show false sentiment , and she was not going to show it now .
26 ‘ Oh , he does not do that , ’ said Sally-Anne cheerfully ; all her normal brio had returned , and she was not going to allow Dr Neil to put her down , and when he came back she gave him her most dazzling smile , and prepared to do battle with him , whenever battle was necessary .
27 Obviously I do n't want a wife of Peter 's around the place if she 's not going to behave in a civil manner to me . ’
28 It 's not much use if she 's not going to with
29 For example , I mean , if a tutor , say , has been sexually harassing a young woman , and she puts in a complain of any kind or something like that , and then he puts pressure on her to withdraw that complaint and she does , I mean does the college at that stage stay well okay if she 's not going to complain then we wo n't do anything , thereby letting the harassment go ahead , or does the college say even though she does n't want to complain we 're nevertheless going to go ahead .
30 Fabia put the phone down having promised that she would telephone again to let her mother know if she was not going to be back in Hawk Lacey by next Wednesday .
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