Example sentences of "[conj] a part [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The same is also true of hypochondria , an anxious preoccupation with the body , or a part of the body .
2 ‘ to proceed beyond the stop line of a ‘ Pelican ’ crossing when the vehicular traffic signal was showing a red light' 'Proceed beyond' means to pass the prohibited place either with the whole vehicle or a part of the vehicle .
3 Bugging to the hatter , cabbage to the tailor , blue-pigeon flying to the plumbers and glaziers , chippings to shipwrights , sweepings to porters , red sail docking to navy yard workers , flints and thrums to weavers , vails to servants , privileges to west country clothiers , bontages to Scottish agricultural workers , scrapings and naxers to coopers , wastages to framework knitters , in all these the eighteenth-century labourer appropriated a part of his product or a part of the material of his labour .
4 List Relationships can list full or partial tight relationships for all or a part of the database .
5 Such is the state of his house that a part of the ceiling recently fell on his head .
6 ‘ There is now not the slightest doubt that a part of the increased number of cancer cases can be attributed to the effects of the many new chemicals present in the environment ’ , he reported .
7 I once bought a mill house from a family in Cumbria , and during my survey found that a part of the land they were selling did not legally belong to them since it was not on the original conveyance from the lord of the manor .
8 The problem this creates for Christianity is that a part of the turning to faith in our generation may be only a reflection of the psychological and sociological undercurrents of our time .
9 In 1967 an agreement was reached between the Director , K. C. Dunham , and the University of Edinburgh that a part of the north-west corner of the University 's King 's Buildings site be leased to IGS .
10 Having shown that a part of the brain is involved in a process like language , for example , we are then faced with the question of specifying the nature of that involvement , which depends on having a serviceable psychological model of that process .
11 It is sometimes very strange to see an AIB Engineering Inspector and an RAF doctor with their heads down inside the wreckage of a crashed aircraft in the AIB hangar at Farnborough , arguing , discussing or merely agreeing that this or that component is not strong enough to sustain survivable crash forces on a row of seats or that a part of the galley constitutes a lethal hazard against which passengers could suffer injury in a crash .
12 Freud introduced the idea that a part of the ego is unconscious too .
13 Indeed it might seem initially that a part of the definition of conversation might be its unpredictability and lack of structure .
14 Mr. Secretary Newton , supported by the Prime Minister , the Chancellor of the Exchequer , Mr. Secretary Heseltine , Mr. Secretary Brooke , Mr. Secretary Hunt , Mr. Secretary Lilley , Mr. Secretary Lang , Mr. Nicholas Scott and Miss Ann Widdecombe , presented a Bill to make provision for requiring , in certain cases where interest on a loan secured on land is payable by a person who is entitled , or whose partner , former partner or qualifying associate is entitled , to income support , the applicable amount in respect of which includes a sum in respect of that interest , that a part of the benefits to which any of those persons is entitled under the enactments relating to social security shall be paid directly to the lender and applied towards the discharge of the liability in respect of the interest ; and for purposes connected therewith : And the same was read the First time ; and ordered to be read a Second time tomorrow and to be printed .
15 He had obtained the auctioneer 's catalogue only a day before the sale and the purported effect of the clause was to relieve the sellers from telling more than a part of the material facts , thereby obliging the buyer to check the remainder for himself .
16 This video shows a typical display and a part of the Ramstein performance , together with ‘ computer enhancement ’ of the accident .
17 In the short period since his election by Parliament on November 5 , Muawad tried in vain to spread his government 's hold beyond Syrian-controlled regions and a part of the Christian enclave north of Beirut .
18 A temporary vang , taken to a pad-eye on the deck , then ripped the eye and a part of the deck away .
19 A medieval rabbi makes a similarly significant comment on the Exodus plague stories and a part of the Passover Eve ceremonies .
20 When the Eighth Army turned and stood for what was to be the first battle of Alamein , a tiny force consisting of the 11th Field Regiment and a part of the Essex Regiment was rushed to the Ruweisat Ridge with orders to plug the vital gap between the South African positions on the coast and the New Zealanders on the edge of the Quattara Depression .
21 When the child has grown beyond babyhood , the father takes charge of the boy 's education , while the mother takes the whole responsibility of the girl 's education and a part of the boy 's education .
22 The stator of each stack has a number of poles Fig.l.3(b) shows an example with four poles — and a part of the phase winding is wound around each pole to produce a radial magnetic field in the pole .
23 As Greg broke into a sprint , he saw almost simultaneously — water beginning to play on the upstairs windows , a sudden spurt of flame , and a part of the roof begin to sag ominously .
24 A division of the property of State Television and Radio ( Gosteleradio ) , announced on Sept. 13 , involved transferring to Russian television ( launched in May — see p. 38206 ) the second all-union television channel and a part of the correspondents ' network .
25 He pointed out the similarity between the Chilterns and a part of the Maharajah 's estate and the suffering of local people on both because of the lack of water .
26 Even though back home in Oz she was doing very nicely in the celebrity stakes with Young Talent Time and a part in the soap Home and Away ( which was eventually to follow Neighbours as an export to the UK ) , in the rest of the world she was virtually unheard of .
27 Usually if a part of the body is hot , or is cold , it feels hot or cold , to the person whose body it is .
28 IF a part of the board position matches a pattern P
29 This is not cowardice , but a part of the grief experience for some people , which should be understood and dealt with patiently .
30 Er but a part of the community were trying to keep Mexicano and there 's men and women differences in that .
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