Example sentences of "[conj] a [noun] [prep] both " in BNC.

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1 This is because some samples from these predator species have near equivalence in numbers , and all the individual pellet samples have either this near equivalence or a deficit of both incisors and molars .
2 24 quails ' eggs , fresh or smoked or a mixture of both 25g/1oz softened butter 240g/8oz/carton strained Greek-style yogurt 2 × 15ml/tbsp freshly chopped chives 2 × 15ml/tbsp freshly chopped dill 50g/2oz pine kernels salt and pepper freshly grated Parmesan cheese to serve
3 The odds ratio adjusted for sex , age , steady housing , season in which the participant suffered from pneumonia , years since first injection , frequency of injecting , and drug mainly injected ( heroin , cocaine , or a mixture of both ) was 4.89 .
4 If you have the possibility of both services in a kitchen , you could opt for a gas cook top and an electric oven ; or vice versa ; or a mixture of both gas and electric plates to hedge bets should anything go wrong with one or other service , or to take advantage of both sorts of energy for different cooking needs ( slow simmering ; fast boiling etc . )
5 To discriminate clearly between various L1 containing cell types in the same section , five step three colour staining was performed as follows : ( a ) monoclonal antibody to either eosinophil cationic protein or neutrophil elastase or a mix of both was first applied ; ( b ) biotinylated horse anti-mouse IgG ; ( c ) mix of FITC-labelled Streptavidin , monoclonal antibody to CD68 , and unconjugated antiserum to L1 ; ( d ) biotinylated horse anti-mouse IgG ; and ( e ) AMCA-conjugated goat anti-rabbit IgG mixed with Streptavidin Texas Red .
6 These statements betray either an ignorance or a distortion of both the tenor and depth of the publications that have emanated from the anti-nuclear movement in recent years .
7 Nearly all have adopted either the air quality management strategy or the emission standards strategy , or a combination of both ( Martin , 1975 ; Campbell and Heath , 1977 ; Murley , 1991 ; UN ECE , 1987 ) .
8 In principle these include : formal regulation by law , involving criminal and/or civil sanctions ; self-regulation by the relevant professional bodies ; or an amalgam of both formal law and self-regulation .
9 It is notable that a quarter of both incontinent and non-incontinent subjects think it is due to a medical condition , a quarter of incontinent women that it is due to childbirth , and a quarter do n't know .
10 Chairman could I suggest to you that erm , when we have our meeting with , with Norfolk County Councillors , that erm the rail policy group supporting to this , because although the traffic conveyor policy do and indeed the Norfolk rail policy group are not formal County Council committee , erm we know that Norfolk rail policy group have identified the northern group as the most desirable to their point of view , because of the possibility with freight and road interchange at , at er Brandon , and so I , may I suggest that , that a representative from both Norfolk and Suffolk rail policy groups , they 're included in this meeting with the North Councillors .
11 Mr Rowley is a fellow of the Chartered Institute of Bankers and a member of both the British Institute of Management and the Institute of Credit Management .
12 It seems clear that , despite the Conservative government 's emphasis on decentralization and accountability as objectives of abolition in London , the net result has been an increase in centralization and a reduction of both financial and democratic accountability .
13 Although there is much that is positive and encouraging , a sad picture emerges of a dwindling supply of musicians , a reduced use of other than congregational music , a considerable lowering of standards , and a lack of both resources and expectations .
14 Er , mine died when I was nine and my mother has been my mother and a father to both myself my brother and sister and I feel she 's done just as good a job as I could of as my father could have done .
15 A myth of creation states that Buddha was born of a thousand-petalled gold lotus , which hereafter became Lakshmi 's womb , and a source of both mental and physical succour for pilgrims seeking solace .
16 The Band of the RAF Regiment , Catterick , provided an orchestra for both evenings .
17 Labour 's plans involve an increase , or a stabilisation , of coal burn in our power stations , at the expense of gas or nuclear , at the same time as a reduction in both carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide levels .
18 Right-wing readers of a right-wing paper were more likely than left-wing readers of that same paper to claim that their paper was biased towards the right — though a majority of both left- and right-wing readers typically agreed that their papers were biased and agreed on the direction of that bias .
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