Example sentences of "[conj] of course it is " in BNC.

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1 Colours may be overlaid , one over another , to produce an effect that is not unlike watercolour to look at , although of course it is not watercolour ; it is an alcohol based ink which dries very quickly — almost instantaneously in fact — and encourages rapid expression .
2 Thinking is essentially an internal activity although of course it is stimulated and aided by interaction with the external world including other people .
3 And of course it is .
4 All this applies to open-ground sowings , and of course it is the crops from these that move fastest as they suffer no transplanting adjustments .
5 It is undesirable because the patient is totally dependent on someone coming into the home from outside and of course it is extremely expensive in terms of nursing time .
6 And of course it is through an examination of the quality and nature of relationships that the problematics arise .
7 And of course it is the sort of thing one would have told people — something special , idiosyncratic and yet not too intimate about you , and a trait in which ( naturally ) you seemed to take some pride … . ’
8 From common sense one would not expect the mere possession of a regular , orderly arrangement of atoms or molecules to be a cause of weakness , and of course it is n't .
9 Though Lyra is small , it contains a number of interesting objects , and of course it is graced by the presence of Vega , the lovely blue star which is almost overhead as seen from British latitudes during summer evenings .
10 In the school on whose work the Curriculum Development Project 's notebook was based , not all the sub-topics picked out by Mrs Ball were taken up , and of course it is the joy of a topic of this kind that this does not matter ; one is not concerned with " covering the syllabus " and " getting everything in " , but providing the stimulus for valuable enquiry , the development of interest and of concepts , and the practice of a variety of skills .
11 And of course it is .
12 Jip and Zab succeed in contacting Xorandor 's offspring orally , and of course it is orally that they themselves finally work out their differences .
13 Because Linnaeus worked in western Europe , it tends to be the European form which is seen as typical in this sense ; and of course it is accidental which species in a group happens to be first described and hence seen as typical .
14 and of course it is .
15 So , I did what I learnt to do as a working-class woman , which was to justify why I did my work by saying , well of course it is a metaphor for all kinds of struggle , and of course it is , but actually the original reason was n't that at all .
16 And of course it is open to them to take a contrary view to any conclusion reached on any matter by the panel .
17 ‘ She says she will be quite comfortable there , and of course it is very inexpensive .
18 And of course it is the whole modernity of the image which strikes us as revealing , and reflects the fluidity in Rey suggested above by ‘ G … ’ in the Courrier des spectacles ( 1800 ) : he ‘ hardly any longer lets us perceive that he holds a baton ’ .
19 Indeed it is a feature of this scene that the tension is kept up to the very last pizzicato , and of course it is no accident that Britten , when he made the concert version of the fourth interlude , had to jump to the last two pages of the act to get his conclusion .
20 I mean it 's it 's happened and I was ha I was so interested in the subject that I asked Mr for a copy of the report where it goes back in the history and of course it is the history of trading standards and , and so on .
21 It also has to struggle with the social and economic consequences of the recession vested on the country by central government and of course it is expected this year to meet the costs of what is an unwanted and will be a costly and unsatisfactory reorganisation of local government .
22 ‘ There is a popular perception that the monetary authorities dictate the general level of interest rates , and of course it is true that we are able to exert a very considerable influence on it .
23 In the Magistrates ' Court the decision as to verdict and sentence is entirely for the Justices acting on the advice of their Clerk , and of course it is erm true to say that generally speaking Justices will follow the advice of their Clerk , but they do n't have to .
24 But of course it is far from obvious .
25 It may not be the path , but of course it is perfectly possible , although steep and hard , to get to the summit of Ben Nevis via this corrie although I can think of no mountaineer who would imagine a gushing , torrential waterfall to be the path , take off their socks and shoes and start trying to wade up it .
26 But of course it is perfectly possible for Bristol graduates who are members of Senate to reflect a Convocation view there .
27 But of course it is sometimes not possible , because historical research demonstrates conclusively that the kind of standardised written language which can be used to represent ethnicity or nationality is a rather late historic construction — mostly of the 19th century or even later — and in any case quite often it does not exist at all , as between Serbs and Croats .
28 ‘ I suppose it is part of the old wrecking tradition of brandy for the parson and baccy for the clerk but of course it is not legal . ’
29 ‘ I suppose it is part of the old wrecking tradition of brandy for the parson and baccy for the clerk but of course it is not legal .
30 I think that you would find them excellently suited to your purpose , but of course it is not my business to force your decision .
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