Example sentences of "[conj] be you [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Including the colours , or are you speaking of the drawing ?
2 Are you talking about the current rate as it prevails or we 're told it prevails ion North Yorkshire , or are you looking at a figure which is somewhat nearer the national average or the figure which Mr 's organization have chosen .
3 Are you looking for each particular turn , or are you looking for everything .
4 It 's nearly ten to six are you going to come with me to get Christopher Tim or are you staying with grandma ?
5 Or are you helping with Jennifer on Sunday ? ’
6 Or are you pointing at thin air ? ’
7 Or are you baffled by what you see ?
8 Is there much competition between people at work , or are you united in fighting external competition ?
9 ‘ Are you a fool or are you pretending to be a fool ? ’ said the maths master .
10 Have you written it totally from a Jewish perspective or are you aiming at a wider cross-section of the population ?
11 Or are you waiting for him now ?
12 are you going to work in there or are you going to work in
13 Anthony and his , Anthony and his colleagues are going around , is it just England or are you going to Scotland and Wales as well ?
14 ‘ Are you coming to the barbecue with us today — or are you going to Hastings to choose a double bed ? ’
15 Were they a coincidence or are you going through a purple patch at the moment ?
16 Are you putting a coat on Clare or are you going like that ?
17 But would you envisage that the numbers er of aircraft actually kitted out with these things have been reduced or are you talking about having spares in case they get lost or damaged ?
18 Or are you predisposed by your calling to see him as interfering — trespassing on your patch ? ’
19 Or are you paying for a year in a in arrears ?
20 Or were you thinking of living above the shop ? ’
21 Did you turn to music as an avenue for writing , or were you driven by musical instincts ?
22 You got letters from home , from your father asking when you were going to settle down and get a proper job , or were you going to be an ‘ eternal student ’ ?
23 " And are you living over the shop ? "
24 Personal protective equipment , Controlling contractors and Are you complying with COSHH ? give practical advice , sources of further information and a list of useful publications .
25 The leaflets : Personal protective equipment , Controlling contractors and Are you complying with COSHH ? are the first in a series dealing with topics which require particular attention .
26 And are you attached in any way ? ’
27 And are you applying to , but , ar are you proposing to apply for the permanent transfer of this license ?
28 And are you applying to , are you proposing to apply for the permanent transfer of this licence ?
29 And were you visited by the peddler the pack-man character
30 And were you paid at six months or were paid every
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