Example sentences of "[conj] be [adj] of [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 A question might arise as to whether spectators can be given directions under sections 12 or 14 , or be guilty of offences of failing to comply with such conditions .
2 It is generally older dogs that are nervous of vehicles , especially if they are strays whose only previous experience of travelling in this fashion is being dumped in the dog warden 's van .
3 mhm Well , Eva Barnes , what special credentials do you have to bandy around figures that are millions of pounds .
4 ‘ Grey ’ issues of money occur whenever enterprises that are short of funds to pay their obligations insist that the banks should make them the necessary advances to restore their ‘ liquidity ’ .
5 Crabs that are short of shells presumably allow themselves room for growth .
6 Charles Leece , of Ferranti , emphasised industry 's need for resists that give the same results every time , and that are free of impurities larger than 0.1 micrometres .
7 I clutch my wad of sketches that , one day , I hope to turn into pictures that might somehow express the essence of this strange topsy-turvy continent where , believe it or not , there are birds that are scared of heights .
8 There are several books available that are full of ideas and information on using stencils , whether on walls or to decorate pieces of furniture .
9 But , in fact , in the same way as the very ambitious career woman of today risks becoming detached from her home surroundings , so it must have been extremely difficult in the past for upper-class ladies , running homes that were full of servants , to put personal qualities into the home when all the physical work was taken on by others .
10 I mention this to illustrate the basic professional pilot background that is typical of Ops Inspectors of AIB .
11 The result is a new model of the Universe which resembles a certain brand of chocolate that is full of bubbles .
12 Choledocholithiasis is highly unlikely when a technically satisfactory ultrasound indicates a non-dilated duct system that is free of stones , particularly when the patient 's liver function tests are also normal .
13 London 's a city that 's full of diversions .
14 So I mean maybe , maybe there 's context , maybe there 's the sort of situation oh this , this is an area where , you know , kind of this is an area that 's full of poofs so he must be erm
15 For example if you had the London Mozart players here as we frequently did and frequently played to full houses , then even with a hundred percent house there was a subsidy required of something like seven or eight pounds per seat , in order to meet the cost of presenting that particular concert and we 've done it for years but sadly when we had to make cuts that was one of things the board decided they had to cut up they had to save money somehow .
16 The agreement has now been reached and erm that is provided for in the amount the Council has for pay and price increases , and when we yesterday the Council agreed to cash limit it 's inflationary provision that was exclusive of teachers ' and lecturers ' pay , so that is secured , the cost is secured .
17 Not every small view in England is so full of detail as this , upon the oolite of north Oxfordshire , for this was a rich and favoured countryside that was beloved of owners of Roman villas , even in places of Bronze Age men .
18 We stayed in a dormitory that was full of couples with noisy small children , and it put quite a strain on our marriage .
19 Now it was something that was full of words and invisible pictures and machines whizzing around .
20 They entertain the elderly and mentally handicapped and are short of clubs .
21 We rode the bus back , and buses take for ever and are full of drunks and screaming children …
22 The best videos offer sound , clear advice and demonstrations , and are full of ideas and inspiration .
23 Our American Allies were all out to see this job through and were full of stories of the RAF on the first trip which was so successful and were even more sure that the second run would be better .
24 these women were often sweetly reasonable , but used their vaginal muscles to fight their husbands and were afraid of men who might make demands on them .
25 But this philosophical disposition also tends to be harnessed to a political orientation which seeks to democratize political institutions and is supportive of reforms pioneered through social legislation .
26 The oil is collected by Centris bees and is full of glycerides , which are later mixed with pollen in the hives .
27 Each isolated farm has electricity , a newish car or two and is full of gadgets and gizmos .
28 It is an entirely diverting and unusual book , and is full of pictures of bosoms and bums .
29 It is written in classical textbook style and is full of formulae , equations and flow sheets .
30 Among his other good qualities are : a strong attachment to his home and a constant readiness to defend it ; he is very willing to retrieve and has a good capacity for tracking ; he has considerable endurance , likes the water and is fond of children .
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