Example sentences of "[conj] the [noun pl] [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 It would be appropriate not simply as a true alternative to expulsion where the grounds for the latter exist but also where the circumstances make it difficult to identify some particular breach or failure by the partner served with notice , where the problem is more that his face no longer fits , where his general approach to the business of the firm is inconsistent with the policy which the other partners have decided to adopt , and so on .
2 This was the theme tune at last month 's revolutionary rallies , where the crowds sang it with great gusto and clapped to the jaunty rhythm of its concluding lines .
3 Instead there were Kinks in it where the rods joined it , and the ends of the rods were attached to collars which were secured around the kinks .
4 Many waters can not quench love , nor the floods drown it .
5 E. L. Garbett , who published a detailed analysis of all the block plans in The Builder , categorized this scheme as one of the ‘ Obviously Non-competing Block Plans ’ as he felt that it radically departed from the conditions , but neither the judges nor the assessors found it faulty .
6 If you find that the results are likely to be disastrous , and that the principles underlying it , which we detect not only from the official utterances of members of the Government but also from the more indiscreet explanations of so-called supporters of the government are pernicious and that the whole matter is one that has never been duly referred to the people of this country , then I venture to say that your Lordships have a clear duty before you — not to decree the final extinction of the Bill — because that is not what we propose , but to insist that before it becomes law an authoritative expression of the opinion of the electors of the United Kingdom shall have reached us with regard to it .
7 It was once thought that the birds used it as though sucking up a drink through a straw .
8 When next affronted by speculative brick houses aggrandised by wrongly scaled and detailed plastic ‘ classical ’ columns , you might ruminate that the Encyclopaedists got it right .
9 Only when it became clear that the rules made it impossible for them to shake the landowners ' grip on the zemstvos did interest decline so that the last pre-war zemstvo elections were marked by peasant apathy .
10 Erm have , I do n't think that the that the councillors have it .
11 Almost every day there were downpours of rain and it often poured throughout the night , making the ground so slippery that the camels found it difficult to keep on their feet .
12 16 ) of the evacuation of Attica that the Athenians took it so badly because it was like leaving one 's polis ; this is on the face of it a paradox because they were going from their country demes to the polis .
13 We have , in Prestatyn , a facility which is very central and well used , despite the fact that the signs advertising it have been changed three times in five years . ’
14 We were thus free to take the Cup to lunch , where , feeling better , the former rugby hooker , Jeffrey Bernard , pronounced himself happy that ‘ if England ca n't have the Cup , then at least it 's good that the Australians have it … anybody but the wretched French and the bloody Welsh , who never bought a drink for anybody in their life ’ .
15 His absorption with Mao and Castro was so open that the neighbors took it for a double bluff , and each new discovery of an agent transmitting messages from some ordinary-looking English suburb increased the tension of their interest in the land mine who was surely bound one day to go off in their own street .
16 We used the flour because the flour would go bad then we we had to supply that the commissioners put it in originally but we had to keep it going out of our seven and a tanner .
17 The house is a mobile home , carried about as the caddis walks , like the shell of a snail or hermit crab except that the animals builds it instead of growing it or finding it .
18 But if such a divinity was near , he prayed that the songs had it wrong , because sweet as tales of Nativity were , time was short , and if hope was only a babe tonight then by the time it had reached redeeming age the worlds it had come to save would be dead .
19 Usually , if a company collapses after receiving a clean audit report , one simply leaps to the assumption that the auditors got it wrong .
20 By four o'clock it was clear that the Tories had it in the bag .
21 Now a custom or usage has to be both the norm for behaviour and such that the parties treat it as obligatory .
22 This tends to be the way that the gentlemen work it out .
23 This can not be sustained : it had always been difficult and there is no evidence that the Seljuks made it conspicuously worse .
24 The good news about the last edition of Nonesuch , as far as the editorial team was concerned , was that the readers liked it .
25 In 1989 Clifford Longley , writing in The Times , asserted that the only hope for the Church of England was that the evangelicals take it over !
26 He 'd thought for a moment that the fates had it in for him .
27 Whatever the volatile attractant to the syconia may be , it is likely that the parasitoids find it attractive too .
28 For black iguanas , at least , it seems that the eyes have it , according to Dr Joanna Burger of Rutgers University and colleagues , who studied these lizards in Guanacaste , in Costa Rica ( Animal Behaviour , vol. 42 , pp 471–6 ) .
29 Someone must have sent the papers and I ca n't see that the corporals did it .
30 ‘ Just a long stone room but legend has it that the Templars used it for their mysteries .
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