Example sentences of "[conj] the [noun sg] [subord] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 This is the context in which to place Foucault 's own recognition after Derrida 's critique that he could no longer postulate madness or the other as outside , after which he maintained that the other is also always inside ; he formulates the structures of power in exactly the same way , so that the forces of domination and resistance are caught up , sometimes indistinguishably , within each other .
2 I will still benefit whenever my works are played on television or the wireless as well as in the 500 chosen venues , which include the Albert Hall , Wembley Stadium and Pizza Express .
3 Roll the remaining truffles in either the nuts , the coconut , the chocolate strands or the cocoa until evenly coated .
4 There has to be the possibility that the politics can be put at risk by the aesthetics , or the relationship as well as each of its components will be inert .
5 He chose schools because they were usually the centre of the village activities and he hoped that the schoolmaster as well as taking care of the books would be likely to encourage both his pupils and their parents to read them .
6 This referred less to the irreligious habits of the people than the fact that the village as yet contained no place of worship , for Wesley went on to say that when he began his service ( probably at a spot near the present Ulster Bank and using a mounting block as his pulpit ) ‘ the people gathered form all sides and , when I prayed , kneeled down upon the stones , rich and poor , all round me ’ .
7 It is astonishing that the disappearance as duly noted by the press ( New Scientist , vol 96 , p213 ) , and then the issue died , until our Parisian colleagues , Science et Vie , ran a report on the matter at the end of March .
8 The scale and pace of technological change mean that the public as well as employees are crucially at risk .
9 Opponents of the government argued that the objective as well as the consequence of the legislation was to increase the after-tax incomes of the rich at the expense of the poor .
10 The evidence they yield does not just quantify the token occurrence of existing category types , for the most part derived from intuition , but also suggests that the types themselves stand in need of revision so that the language as abstractly conceived by the linguist is brought into closer correspondence with the language as actually realized by the user .
11 While the company has observed for a number of years the thrust of most of the recommendations put forward in the code of best practice , some of our procedures have been adjusted so that the form as well as the spirit of the code is met .
12 Successful completion of a complex exercise such as this upgrade requires team work and a project team consisting of people from Services Delivery , Technical Services Systems Development and IBM have spent a considerable amount of time over the last few weeks to ensure that the upgrade when ahead without impact on Technology 's customers .
13 Erm I , I think I might have missed Adam 's point and I was going back to whether the south was more efficient than the north because just tying it in with the seminar we had on managerial farms , were n't there more in the north than in the south ?
14 The offspring will probably be selected to want a greater quantity of parental investment than the parent because again , a little bit extra for the offspring probably means more than what to its reproductive success , than it er would mean to the reproductive erm , success of , of the mother , as far as the offsprings are concerned .
15 It is generally true that the kadi was a more " secular " figure than the mufti if only because he was much more closely tied to the state organization than was the mufti .
16 But if the reputation as high-handed , unloved and ruthless stepmother hurt ( and it clearly did ) , it did not deflect her from her purpose of re-vamping Althorp and opening it to the public as a top-attraction stately home in a competitive business .
17 The same critics pointed to the obsolete Victorian rationale of the Commission — which was established to plant trees for wooden ships and pit-props in a war in which timber would be a strategic material — and wondered aloud if the organisation as well as its activities should not be reformed or abolished .
18 Oh it had oh yes definitely , they used to have a lot of machinery from Germany , cos they were specialists in , in power presses , oh I used to , the one big press I used to work on I used bells , erm all this was great nearly as high as the ceiling here and it was an press , and er just one just press a lever or a handle there used to be er handles on the side as well sometimes they put levers sometimes a handle and the bell would come out all formed and everything and that was heavy steel , and that was a heavy job , but erm they were very very heavy presses they , the pressure was very I do n't know tons or something like that , but erm it was all er it was all to cut labour out and er and the self-feed as well where one would be feeding it or you 'd pull it yourself , it was automatic all automatic I could n't think of that word before .
19 He suggests that language is the ‘ master pattern ’ for all signifying systems not just because of the nature of the sign and the system , but because the human mind and the universe as well share a common structure which is that of language itself .
20 Did in the wife and the daughter as well . ’
21 Flash floods are not unknown on the lake , and the road as well as the shore disappear under water .
22 And the chicken as well ?
23 Joe appeared , looking as if he 'd just finished knocking the Army into shape , and the Navy as well .
24 The plans for reform in the Board of Education Green Book , the White Paper and the Bill as eventually published showed increasingly less sign of any such holistic enterprise — and ensured that social stratification remained safe within the educational system .
25 ( 3 ) A retiring partner may be discharged from any existing liabilities , by an agreement to that effect between himself and the members of the firm as newly constituted and the creditors , and this agreement may be either express or inferred as a fact from the course of dealing between the creditors and the firm as newly constituted .
26 This one was more highbrow than most , bringing together economists from all over Eastern Europe and the West as well .
27 Have you actually got a plan drawn up with measurements , devised to the top and the base as well or are you going to do that when you
28 The Collector 's face had assumed an alert expression , for the Padre was now addressing the godparents ; but his still wandering mind was harrowed by the thought of the gentle , pious Mr Bradley of the Post Office department who , only the day before , had been deprived of the evening of his life , and the afternoon as well , come to that .
29 MATERNAL CAUSES — In the Eight Revision of the International Classification of Diseases used to Code Cause of Death , maternal causes are items B40 that refers to abortion ( causes 640–645 ) and B41 that includes other complications of pregnancy , childbirth and the puerperium as well as delivery without mention of complication ( causes 630–639 , 650–678 ) ; in the Ninth Revision , items AM42 abortion ( causes 630–639 ) , AM43 Direct obstetric causes ( 640–646 , 651–676 ) and AM44 Indirect obstetric causes ( 647 , 648 ) .
30 Wilberforce attacked Unitarians as lacking fixed religious dogmas and was attacked in turn , along with other evangelicals , for promoting irrationality in religion precisely through dogmatism about the divinity of Christ and the Trinity while also stressing the reality of the Devil and Hell .
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