Example sentences of "[conj] the [noun] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 Then , do these facts show that the promise was in consideration , either of the loss to be sustained by the plaintiff , or the benefit to be derived from the plaintiff to the uncle , at his , the uncle 's request ?
2 At some point , the Japanese will have to decide which they value most : the comfort of staying at home , or the clout to be had abroad .
3 Newell and Hepworth might define their own styles against those of Stoll and Ideal but , since neither was particularly successful , there was no pressure operating on the one to be more ‘ commercial , or the other to be more ‘ artistic ’ .
4 However , there is evidence that Dune may be cannibalising Poison , which may require one or the other to be repositioned .
5 It was widely believed that 78-year-old President Kim Il Sung — around whom an extraordinary personality cult had been created — desired that his son should succeed him , but that the younger Kim lacked sufficient authority within either the ruling party or the army to be sure of a smooth succession .
6 That is not to say that we shall take dispositional mental facts or what is called the unconscious or the subconscious to be " another realm of consciousness " that we shall suppose there is consciousness and then inaccessible consciousness and then the brain , the latter involving dispositional mental facts .
7 Such items would only become liabilities when contracts are placed for the goods to be provided or the work to be carried out .
8 This would still seem to be so if most , though not all , the terms are standard — if , say , there are minor variations from one buyer to another ( e.g. as to the commodity or the quantity bought or the price to be paid ) .
9 Today , the industry has no need to feed off the margins , needs no lessons from Sigue Sigue Sputnik about the Global Leisure Industry , movie tie-ins or the killings to be made in the future collusion of pop and advertising to create new needs .
10 Once when he swung across the road to frighten a cyclist by passing within inches of him at forty miles an hour I expected the Feldwebel or the officer to be angry .
11 Just as the child in dramatic playing concentrates on the task or the problem to be solved , so the advice from Stanislavsky to his actors is that concentration should be on the mainspring of action in the character 's behaviour , not his feelings .
12 Where a problem arises for which there is no express provision in the contract , common law or statute may fill the gap , either by implying terms , such as requiring the goods supplied to be merchantable , or the service to be performed with reasonable skill and care , or by ruling that the impact of unforeseen events is to frustrate the contract .
13 The University accepts no liability for loss arising from the failure of electricity , heating systems , water supplies , fire , flooding or for any other cause beyond its reasonable control which may cause the University 's premises or part of them to be temporarily closed or the booking to be interrupted , interfered with or cancelled .
14 This nowhere land has neither the benefit of distance from Chicago to either become agricultural or the proximity to be wholly relevant .
15 If we do , does this mean that the use of coercion , enthusiasm or the encouragement to be involved are equally acceptable ?
16 He declared that it provides time for the family to gather or the body to be transported home and it offers an opportunity for them to see the person in a state of peaceful repose .
17 You can then mark the modules to be read out or the sub-packages to be considered for further processing , or both , confirm the request and press RETURN .
18 Like all taxes they consist of two elements : the tax base , or what is to be taxed ; and the tax rate , or the amount to be levied on the tax base .
19 This endorsement should be added where the building to be insured is a Farm House .
20 The latter remedy is only possible in practice however where the work to be executed is within the scope of the local authority 's expertise .
21 Where the issue to be determined falls into one of the categories discussed in Chapters 2 – 7 , a precedent can be found .
22 Where the company to be formed is of a kind which can be purchased ‘ off the peg ’ from an agency specializing in company formation , this is a cost-effective way to proceed .
23 In some contexts , and particularly where the document to be served originated abroad , an informal mode of service is used ; typically the document is passed to a local police station , and is either taken round to the defendant 's address or the defendant is invited to call in to collect it .
24 Where the material to be used in enquiry work is audio-visual ( as for instance a filmstrip , perhaps with the accompanying booklet transcribed on to audio-cassette so that the eye can concentrate on the pictures and the slower readers have quick access to the text ) then of course suitable equipment must be available in sufficient quantity for the expected numbers of students at any one time .
25 In such cases there is the greatest need for effective search , analysis , evaluation and selection by those people involved in the making of purchase decisions , particularly where the item to be purchased is complex .
26 Newborn creatures who refuse to cross a ‘ visual cliff ’ apparently have some innate procedure for recognizing the absence of support , where the object to be supported is their own body .
27 In Chapter 2 I suggested that the approach to be adopted in this book was interpretative , empirical , critical , and historical .
28 ( 2 ) Directing that the money remain in court , that , where solicitors sought payment out to them of money belonging to a foreign state , if the court was not satisfied that the solicitors had authority to act on behalf of that state , it should , of its own motion if necessary , require them to obtain that authority and ensure that the money remained under the court 's control meanwhile ; that the factors to be taken into account in deciding whether a regime existed as the government of a state were whether it was the constitutional government of the state , the degree , nature and stability of administrative control that it exercised over the territory of the state , whether Her Majesty 's Government had any dealings with it and the nature of any such dealings and , in marginal cases , the extent of its international recognition as the government of the state ; that on the evidence , M. 's interim government did not become the constitutional successor of the former government and was unable to show that if it was exercising any administrative control over the territory of the Republic of Somalia ; and , accordingly , the instructions and authority the solicitors had received from the interim government were not from the Government of the Republic of Somalia , and no part of the proceeds in court should be paid out to the solicitors without further order of the court ( post , pp. 750G–H , 757E–G ) .
29 This connection between high status employment work and present dissatisfaction with housework holds only for the middle-class women , but there is evidence that the tendency to be dissatisfied with housework in relation to the status of one 's previous job may involve the question of a ‘ reference group ’ .
30 Even though in the passage above Gummer undermines his own argument ( through his use of the phrase ‘ at least among the articulate ’ , he implies that this consensus is confined to a certain section of society ) it is crucial to his thesis that the changes to be identified under the rubric of permissiveness should be viewed against the backcloth of an alleged Victorian moral consensus .
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