Example sentences of "[conj] the [noun] [pron] of " in BNC.

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1 When he talked of the hostages or the contras something of the old fire returned , together with the old emotional lines from cabinet meetings and television speeches .
2 In natural language indexing which uses a stoplist only , the indexing language is open ; there is no record other than the index itself of the indexing terms that have been assigned .
3 The receiver is not , however , obliged to fulfil existing contracts and because of this it is claimed that in this regard he is better placed than the company which of course must stand by its contracts .
4 And the major himself of course .
5 Never perfect , it at least maintains the presence of Bosnia in its existing borders , and denies the Serbs their aim of a Greater Serbia and the Croats theirs of a Greater Croatia .
6 And the other who of holy is the Saint .
7 And , and the men they of often used to have a go .
8 Much of the debate of the first few days concerned the use of Latin in the liturgy , but the debate itself of course took place in Latin .
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