Example sentences of "[conj] [adj -er] and [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We have here perhaps the most delicate of all points of contact between his life and his art : hence the impression that further and very private issues are involved in , even shielded by , the assertion that ‘ a man of the 1840s could not create Bazarov ’ .
2 Performance has to be exciting enough to make the boat attractive , but it has to be something that lighter and less experienced crews starting off in the class can handle .
3 Reuters ' managing director of Instinet UK , Bryan Cavill , agrees that bigger and more creative deals need the human touch , but he believes the lower cost , speed and transparency of automated trading will in time capture a good chunk of the market .
4 Writing moved from ( i ) a supporting and recording function , in societies in which oral composition and tradition were still predominant , through ( ii ) a stage in which this function was joined by written composition for oral performance and ( iii ) a further stage in which composition was additionally written only to be read , to ( iv ) that later and very familiar stage in which most or virtually all composition was written to be silently read , and was at last , for this reason , generalized as ‘ literature ’ .
5 The most positive view comes from the United States : ‘ The fact that much is being done , and that there are few areas of stagnation , makes one believe that better and more fruitful days are ahead ’ .
6 He seems to have largely ceased to make these large sketches by 1814 although smaller and less interesting ones exist until 1820 .
7 In the detail of most recent polls , better-educated and wealthier Americans clearly favour more intervention in Bosnia than poorer and less well-educated respondents would accept .
8 The theory behind Sir Bryan 's thinking is that the more efficient tied agents — such as the building societies — will offer the products to consumers at lower prices than smaller and less efficient tied agents .
9 In particular it was felt that swifter and more decisive action on the part of the SCB in response to warnings passed by concerned solicitors and local law societies ought to be effected .
10 Paralysed by fear of ‘ the progressive ’ , this stunted generation have chosen to take as their inspiration the sprightly , cramped insistence of The Monochrome Set , The Undertones , Girls at Our Best , rather than the stealth and reach of Can , Tim Buckley , Hendrix , Talking Head 's Remain in Light , PIL 's Metal Box , chosen to explore an emotional climate of suave nonchalance or at best pensive mawkishness , rather than denser and more elusive feelings ; chosen to prefer the banal clarity of ‘ communication ’ over the glare of revelation and the clouded vision of horror .
11 This is clearly a step forward for durability over the single density EVA or other Saucony models , which , although softer and more responsive that PU , can compress after heavy mileage .
12 Now they were thinner and leaner and much dirtier and all they were taking with them were the torn and grubby clothes they stood up in .
13 I mean , nowadays you 've got nice jackets and , and , and so on , and the hats were , were stiff sort of hats with , caps rather with wire brims on them , you know and , and they , they were really flat on the top and there was no style with them or anything , it was , it was the styles of the , of the forties I suppose and , and nowadays it 's so much smarter and nicer and more comfortable as well .
14 Brief memos are usually written on A5 size paper ( 148 x 210 millimetres ) and larger and more complicated ones on A4 size paper ( 210 x 297 millimetres ) .
15 The whole place was darker and colder and more echoing and empty than Inveraray .
16 Other species not infrequently escape from bird collections and zoos in Europe , including Chilean race of Greater Flamingo , which has red ‘ knees ’ and feet , and smaller and much brighter pink Lesser Flamingo Phoeniconaias minor of East Africa , which has dark red bill .
17 The size and shape of the individual motifs vary considerably , but as a general rule , they tend to be larger and bolder in village and nomadic rugs , and smaller and more delicate in workshop items .
18 Mornings had indeed developed into quite a happy routine of little errands and duties for Aunt Emily , the hens and the sea ; and if she felt now , as quite often she did , an incomprehensible longing for something wilder and freer and more satisfying than this domestic round , she put it down to needing to be in the open air more and gave herself , next morning , a longer spell on the smooth buff sands of the bay .
19 The searching self-portraits of Rembrandt in approaching old age , as he became uglier and poorer and more grimy , were acclaimed as masterpieces in preference to the earlier elegant portraiture of his society period .
20 She thought he seemed sadder and older and somehow lonely .
21 Wings bigger and blacker and more formidable than any he had yet seen .
22 More specifically , an analysis of Scottish kingship , and of the particular reasons for its strength , enables us to discard the lingering idea that Mary 's failure was predetermined by the fact that she was a woman — and worse and more pathetic , a young woman .
23 Beyond it , and quite easily seen , lay massive uplands and long and beautiful lochs with a glow of late spring light and majesty of bracken-covered sides that rose higher , and higher and yet higher into misty moorlands that brought an awe to his heart .
24 It is a middle-horned breed : the bull 's horns are thick and grow horizontally and sideways from the poll , while cows display finer , gently curved horns somewhat similar in style of growth to those of the Longhorns but shorter and more balanced , though occasionally one horn grows in a different direction to the other .
25 Habitat similar , but stonier and less grassy , often at drier margins of marshes .
26 Not only have batteries and chargers become the focus of power-tool research and development , but smaller and more efficient motors are having to be produced
27 Cheiranthus allionii ( Siberian wallflower ) Like ordinary wallflowers , but smaller and only yellow or orange .
28 I will bring you a cloak , it is not much , but warmer and more comfortable than a night on the cliff tops ! ’
29 He repeated it , but louder and more insistent .
30 In particular , abortion had ceased to be a clear-cut electoral asset because younger and more affluent voters had become concerned that the Supreme Court would criminalize it , and the ending of the Cold War had undermined the traditional Republican issue of a strong defence policy .
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