Example sentences of "[conj] [ex0] are [adv] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Firstly , that the centre and car parking be extended , secondly that the centre and parking space be removed entirely and the ground restored to its natural state and thirdly , that the centre be moved to the area of Ballachulish and Glen Coe villages , where there are already buildings and a tourism infrastructure .
2 This mainly goes to show the error , which is all too common , of seeing causes where there are only correlations .
3 This problem is especially acute in smaller countries like Kenya and Tanzania , where there are now fears that state capitalism will merely be replaced by ‘ crony capitalism ’ .
4 Simmel asserts that many of the attitudes which surround , and were created through the impact of , money as abstraction are most evident when it has not completely achieved its role in transforming its own social context , and where there are still structures which resist this transformation and hark back to a non-monetarized era .
5 More has be done in the south wing where there are still offices and a departmental library , ultimately destined to be incorporated into the future Bibliotheque des Arts .
6 The former is almost identical with an illustration in a veterinary book of 1900 , although there are also examples of paring knives which had by then , presumably , almost replaced the butteris .
7 Although there are again differences in the use of scales in different contexts , there is generally a relatively high level of agreement between the two sets of risk ratings .
8 We may therefore conclude in relation to bargaining structures ( whether centralised or decentralised ) that although there are clearly forces making for change in all countries their extent should , perhaps , not be over-estimated — especially not those changes which may appear to produce convergent systems .
9 The range of products described earlier exists for valid and necessary reasons although there are often similarities in formulation between different products .
10 A local plan , however , is still a fairly new procedure but gathering in momentum although there are still authorities which do not have formal plans and even where there is such a plan they often only cover parts of the authority 's administration area , usually the central area only .
11 Most of the machinery has long gone although there are still remains of several of its large diameter , but fairly narrow , water wheels .
12 The Lord has won a victory over my feelings in this area although there are still skirmishes from time to time !
13 Although there are now trains which can travel in excess of 200 mph , supersonic planes which take passengers across the Atlantic in three hours , and spacecraft which can carry passengers at fifteen times the speed of sound , our ancestors used more stylish forms of transport .
14 ‘ The Pole should be achieved around January 4 — although there are obviously ifs and buts before then . ’
15 Vern Zelmer , managing director of Rank Xerox ( UK ) Ltd , says that they swap information with IBM , DEC and other competitors , although there are inevitably limits on what sort of information is disclosed .
16 If we revert to the original problem , the solution of Ax = x , we now see that there are just n eigenvalues s and that correspondingly there are just n vectors xs ; i.e. we have n equations unc We can combine them all into the single equation unc or more briefly AX = X where X is ow the square matrix made up of the n column vectors xs , and unc is the diagonal matrix of the eigenvalues ; and our problem is now to find the matrices X and unc for the given A.
17 It was pointed out that there are also models already for external methods for developing women for future senior roles .
18 Soviet chemical weapon stocks still exist in Romania and West German intelligence sources have suggested in the past that there are also production and testing facilities .
19 But I beg you to believe that there are also men of a wiser and more experienced sort , who by no means decline all consideration of negotiating terms .
20 I have argued , however , that there are also aspects of women 's experience which the humanist paradigm is unable to conceptualise adequately ; hence the appeal of theories which attempt to ‘ deconstruct ’ the self in more radical ways .
21 Having said this , it does not follow that there are not difficulties at a more " elementary " level of language .
22 I apologise on behalf of Council to the members of the press who are here , and to the Council officers who have to endure this and I am only grateful that there are not members of the public here to witness this total farce .
23 I am afraid that some of you are going to be disappointed , but you know that there are not places in the Secondary School for everyone who passes Standard Six .
24 I am pleased to say that there are now signs — after the improvement in recent years and with further improvements — that British Coal will be able to secure good contracts for the future .
25 Their export adviser confirmed that there are now indications of growth in the Turkish economy , with a balance of payments in surplus for the firs time in several years .
26 A recent survey by Proshare-Mori reveals that there are now 9.26m shareholders in Britain .
27 Moreover , even if we allow ‘ America ’ to mean only the United States , the Old World needs to remember that there are more Americas than one .
28 Normal speech is so rapidly and informally articulated that there are seldom pauses between the words ( this may be verified from the waveform of the speech signal ) .
29 Remember , too , that there are literally scores of cafes in Zurich where you can have a quick and cheap snack .
30 Talking about DOS , although there are no firm figures , it 's also a fair bet that there are still machines running DOS 2.1 and 3.2 , never mind 4.01 and the myriad other flavours DOS has gone through , their owners reasonable happy , but beset by problems that DOS 5.0 sorts out .
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