Example sentences of "[conj] [Wh adv] it [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 A Hoechst spokesman said the fumes were of a concentrated form of sulphuric acid which is irritating to the eyes and throat ; he said it was unclear how much material had leaked or how it had happened .
2 Since communism as well as ‘ socialism ’ has been forever assigned to history 's dustbin , there appears no pressing need for society to come to terms with just what that system was or how it continues to manifest itself .
3 Now if your person were to say come round , said it 's the first time they 've had a fit you get , call an ambulance , it may be epilepsy but it could be anything else , it could erm be , be the start of er something else in the brain because that 's all an epileptic fit is , it 's an electrical impulse , nobody actually knows why or when or how it 's caused , but it happens erm , but above all be very , very nice to your casualties , they 'll want to get up and they 'll run away , they want to get out , especially if it 's outside , because they 're embarrassed by it .
4 Well then they all come out , everybody , even Dave come out of the union and the only two that were left in it were Jane and Karen on our side and a couple from the warehouse and like there was Judith and I think Sonyou and a couple from the letter shop I , I , I do n't know , I do n't think Elaine went but I think the rest were , yes there were Pam and I think , I think Nigel were , but anyway when Judith comes up about what union money was left , I do n't know where it was left from or how it 's imposed , but they split the
5 I , I 'm always reluctant to put down specific methods of writing new procedures , or who 's responsible for it , or where it 's got to be done because it depends entirely on what it 's about .
6 Weighing it all up , Ramsay came to the conclusion that the chances of capturing the usurper at this stage were all but non-existent , and that their wisest course was to return at once with his dire news to the main Scots array in Annandale or wherever it had reached by now .
7 In game shooting , some people consistently shoot badly because they always shoot at where the bird has been rather than where it has got to .
8 ‘ Temporary ’ regulations of August 1881 — ultimately extended until the fall of the Empire — empowered the government to declare virtual martial law wherever and whenever it chose to do so .
9 Did n't they all know about the terrible appearance of the Conablaiche last time , and how it had prowled the country , snatching sleeping children from their beds and tearing out their hearts for its Dark Master .
10 The ratbird had already shaken many of my convictions regarding life on earth and how it had evolved .
11 At the same time as he was engaged in more political work , Marx attempted to rewrite the history of mankind for the use of the oppressed , so that they would be able to understand the nature of the oppression to which they were subjected , and how it had come about .
12 The Ministry of Defence said that Belgian ammunition of that particular batch had never been supplied to the British Army , and how it had come into Britain was unknown .
13 In the small hours of the next morning , when they were back at La Gracieuse , after dancing her feet raw with Sam , with Rodet , and with half of Normandy , she told John what had happened and how it had come about .
14 ‘ I do n't want to see him , ’ Anna said , remembering her inoculation on the first day back , and how it had hurt .
15 Later , over a cup of coffee backstage , Kylie talks frankly about homesickness and how it had taken her two years to adjust to life in England .
16 After a spell of social self-indulgence , I remembered CGAS and how it had helped me .
17 My hon. Friend the Member for Stockton , South talked about the representative role of a Member of Parliament and how it had changed , which is also important .
18 Last month I wrote about how to thread the colour changer and how it functions to change yarn .
19 We 've learnt about its physiology and how it changes to keep pace with the larva 's changing eating habits .
20 To continue our articles on upgrading machines , Geoff Cox takes a look at a new high speed processor upgrade for 386 DX owners and shows how to fit it and how it performs compared to standard 387 coprocessors .
21 Is it quite clear what happens , why and how it 's treated ?
22 It 's about the craft of knitwear and how it 's developed from hand-knitting into the modern production units there are today .
23 mail and it says about what a lovely family they are and how it 's got ta
24 about this bra top thing she 's got and how it 's got a hole in it and she was trying to think back how it got this hole in it and she remembered that Mark put his fingers through it
25 Betty Felton 's tone was a little softer now as she said , ‘ Well , lass , come on , tell us what you 're doin' here and how it 's come about . ’
26 Now , to what extent could one move in that direction using a computer , which is a rather precise and definite sort of object that wants to know exactly what it has to do and how it has to do it ?
27 A number of feminists — Mary Daly is a good example — find it useful to subject words to a kind of archaeological excavation , turning to the etymological dictionaries to find out where a particular word came from , what it meant and how it has changed .
28 He will also have to learn something about the administrative structure of his chosen place and how it has changed over time .
29 What they have done is to look in detail at the impact of two severe floods which hit the little Araglin river in Co Cork in August 1986 and how it has recovered since .
30 Perhaps , before the rest of this article gets under way , it might be wise to have a look at some of the myths about page printing technology and see just where it all came from and how it has acquired the reputation it has .
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