Example sentences of "[conj] [indef pn] is [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 If you own or lease property where no-one is living you may have to pay a standard community charge in that area in addition to the personal charge in the area you live .
2 Where nothing is written it takes time to create a document which is genuinely useful to many of us , both as a verification of our struggle and a signpost to future strategies for our art work .
3 THERE IS a paranoiac frisson , and more than a little insight , to be had from the thought that we humans are not really in control of our own fates , and that someone or something is using us .
4 Unless entry into partnership between firms is actually intended , steps should be taken to ensure that nothing is done which would create such relationship .
5 Check that the bridge fits snugly back into place and that nothing is preventing it from seating properly ; small gaps at either end of the bridge are common , but the glue will fill these .
6 The fact that everyone is writing us off does n't bother us .
7 You should , therefore , make every attempt to be in the first row , going fast as the gun goes and , ideally , with a space to leeward so that no-one is making you pinch .
8 Although billed in the contact magazines as ‘ couples only ’ , the male-female ratio here is about 25 to one ; the one is the topless woman , so everyone is paying her very special attention .
9 Once someone is elected they serve every member of that constituency , antis as well as pros .
10 I suspect , ’ continued Dotty , unaware of Ella 's heightened blood pressure , ‘ that someone is stealing my eggs .
11 When you suspect that someone is flattering you in order to manipulate , or responding in an artificial manner , ask for specific detail .
12 Erm but the idea that someone is putting it all down , all those private conversations , all those tensions , and it 's all being recorded , not to present the historic truth , but to present the truth as the person wants history to read it .
13 ‘ If he has not , ’ Alexei observed , ‘ then I have no doubt that someone is showing them to him even now . ’
14 ‘ Are you telling me that someone is paying you to come here and write about voodoo ?
15 Take great care , because they must not know that somebody is watching them . ’
16 Immediately the audience believes — I certainly believed — that somebody is eating her pussy .
17 How exciting to look at the costumes and have the impression that one is wearing them , or see one 's own face adorned with the ear-rings on display .
18 As he walked , he looked over his shoulder again and again , like a man who is worried that something is following him .
19 ‘ The criticism we are getting and the fact that everybody is writing us off does n't bother us a bit .
20 In all cases , official assistance is optional ; service by private means will always satisfy the English rules , provided nothing is done which is contrary to the law of the state in which service is to be effected .
21 If someone is shielding her then she 'll probably have a bed for the night . ’
22 I mean , I think if someone is showing you the rainforest and he does n't stop every ten yards to show you something , then that 's not a good guide .
23 I wonder if someone is pulling my syphon tube …
24 It 's like somebody is watching it all for you … ’
25 ‘ It 's been a fine day , the sun is setting and somebody is telling you your daughter has been murdered .
26 When you 're away from your base and somebody is fielding your calls for you , give them this pad , and ask them to record the calls in this pad , then you can just tick that box on the right-hand side that says calls to answer , erm , and insert the pages as you need to into the daytimer .
27 ‘ Atkinson is best running at them and nobody is doing it better . ’
28 And one is encouraging them all of the time to be able to look at their own work as a group , as well as an individual , and make assessments of it themselves .
29 If you 're part of a team , tell the others if something is bothering you .
30 If something is gone they replace it .
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