Example sentences of "[conj] [indef pn] [was/were] [v-ing] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 We were speechless , but we morbidly crept towards him when a sudden snap from the forest warned that someone was approaching and we ran along the beach then through the trees , hearts pounding , and gasping for breath .
2 I listened to myself make a horrible noise like Eric going crazy over the phone , and hoped that nobody was passing and could see me in such an undignified and weak position .
3 Tonight he 'd take their condescension without argument , he thought , more confident by the day that something was coming that would rock this Tower to its foundations .
4 Before I was in the band if I saw that something was happening that I did n't like I 'd say nothing and go along with it .
5 On the other hand , dissenters have viewed this emphasis as a way of skating over a suspicion that something was missing and , amidst the cornucopia of riches here , the inclusion of early mono versions of the Berceuse , Barcarolle and Second Sonata from 1946 provide some supporting evidence .
6 But only one door was open and everyone was pushing and shoving to get through .
7 Thousands of flags were waving , helium balloons were going up and air balloons were coming down , two separate bands at both ends of the huge auditorium were playing different songs and everyone was cheering and screaming their heads off .
8 I filled it up and I was walking out the door as if nothing was happening and got arrested .
9 I might vary this if one was arguing that it was easier for a chap in some circumstances to become a bomber pilot than it would be to become a fighter pilot , and I would concede that argument .
10 ON reporting to Chantilly on the morning of February 25th , Pétain and Serrigny found that ‘ the panic was at its peak ’ The fall of Verdun was expected momentarily , ‘ and everybody was saying that General Herr should be shot ’ Somehow it leaked out that Pétain had come from Paris , not Noailles , and the word was quickly passed round by those veterans of intrigue that he had first been to see the Minister of War , Galliéni , the implacable foe of G.Q.G. Doubtless the rumour helped augment the alarm in the air .
11 It would involve crawling out of a window while nobody was looking and trusting in the spirit of Christmas goodwill should we be discovered .
12 ‘ He always changed for the evening meal regardless of whether anyone was coming or not ’ .
13 There one met at each other 's homes for dinner , one eye on the clock on the way — cursing the traffic , having to watch the drinks as one was driving and must n't be too late as Nigel had to be up early for work .
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