Example sentences of "[conj] [indef pn] [adv] [is] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This is clear in the case of the thought that someone else is in pain .
2 But so wide are the left 's woes — in the past few years , they have affected socialist parties from Britain at one end of Europe to Greece at the other — that it is worth considering the possibility that something else is at work , too : the body of ideas that socialists used to represent has lost so much electoral support that socialist parties , at least in their old guise , are doomed .
3 Round Table more than anything else is about people .
4 Having arrived , there is every reason to be dubious if no-one else is on the water : perhaps it is dangerous , or there is a better place close by .
5 Yes , that 's the beauty of the Topper , we 've got the sail in the bowels of the boot and everything else is on the roof .
6 Now that his policies , the economy and everything around is in disarray , and with the right hon. Lady making a comeback , who will be the first to put him out of his misery in Downing street — the people at the election or his right hon. Friend ?
7 But like just for you to know that , I mean , at the moment , got a slight shortage of staff and , us little Express girlies are like , we 're all sort of desperate to please them well , and because we need to , if a customer rings we 're always there for them and the problem is , I 've got like two phones on my desk at the moment , so , I could guarantee the minute I put my phone down , if anybody else is on the phone ha , bloody phone 's still ringing , I have got to answer it .
8 But nobody else is in all four of these key areas of chemical technology , and there are no new entrants into what Ewart describes as a club with an extremely high entry cost .
9 , looks like Pam , oh no she 's not on it , she 's not doing quoits , I tell you a lie , but somebody here is for the British Polio Linda S five
10 But everybody else is on the Pill .
11 ‘ For Gawd 's sake , stay put , you fool , because someone else is in this church and I 've got a funny feelin' it is n't just the Almighty . ’
12 Er , certainly I 'm sure Rachel shares her information , even if it 's only to say , you ca n't watch that because something else is on Channel Four at the same time .
13 As Ludwig Wittgenstein puts it : ‘ In order to doubt whether someone else is in pain he needs , not pain , but the concept ‘ pain' .
14 It is useful to recall Wittgenstein in this connection : ‘ It is a help here to remember that it is a primitive reaction to tend , to treat , the part that hurts when someone else is in pain ; and not merely when oneself is ’ ( Z 540 ) .
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