Example sentences of "[conj] [indef pn] [pron] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If we were to put a full description of the girl , and of the clothes she was wearing , in Saturday 's paper , it might be seen by her parents or someone who knew her .
2 A spokesman said detectives hoped that if the suspects were not the terrorists they — or someone who recognised them — would come forward to eliminate them from the inquiry .
3 When you exacerbate this situation by confronting him with direct questioning or something which intimidates him and causes him to feel even more nervous , his breathing can become so rapid and so shallow that it borders on hyperventilation .
4 And then they test the evacuation alarm then , so that everybody knows the alarms and er where to be and then th Every six eight weeks or something they take you for a helicopter evacuation where everybody 's taken from the lifeboat master station .
5 Or something they thought he had . ’
6 Because I just in my normal sort of intelligent way asked the librarian to come up with lots of cuttings on environmental health and let me have a quick little read , this was probably about twenty to three or something you know I probably needed about three weeks to do it .
7 I mean when you 're on picket line it 's very depressing it 's very heart breaking unless you get some comedian or something you know it gets er y you do n't know what to do with yourself and perhaps they 'd been taking pots of this paint I 'm not saying .
8 I do n't mean today I mean if she 's going in to London or something you know she 's got a base in London to do something in the morning before she goes on a call as opposed to some of them who have n't got a proper office space
9 Was n't it or something you gave me ?
10 Because you might start from nought or something I mean they do n't often do this but you might start from nought , and then they ask you What is it at minus ten ?
11 Erm , it , what it struck me as is a parallel with Freud 's idea of transference , you know that once something happens in the , in the traumatic period in a , in a childhood , there 's then a tendency to transference to occur later in life , we recreate later in relationships to er the model of the early one and er it struck me that what you said about French industrial relations sounded a bit like transference in erm in the psychoanalysis the idea that i i it spills out as it were from the initial which might have been saved er within the family to other relationships i in later life that people have with their superiors at work or something I mean you can see this actually sometimes you know that people have relationships with their superiors which are clearly erm based on erm their relationships with their parents and they see the , th their boss as a parental figure and the employee sees themselves as er as , as , as a kind of erm child and it shows itself sometimes in quite er quite unmistakable ways .
12 Extract 2 oh listen I wanted to tell you one of the girls in my supply class we 'll hoover when we come back wo n't we she said to me she looked at my shoes and she said you 've got flashy shoes or something I said I got them in Spain she said Miss are you Spanish I thought it was really funny
13 Give you a little chance to talk and get , catch up with all your news or something I hope you 're not I find it is n't it ? sweet peas .
14 It was a sort of like a I do n't know what i whether it was erm some sort of a private or it belonged to this Manchester Co-op or something I think it was .
15 One reason for this is that many people have a fear which they can not conceal of anything or anybody who reminds them of death ; knowing that contact with a grieving widow will exacerbate these fears they tend , after expressing their sympathy by word or letter , and sending flowers to the funeral , to withdraw to a safe distance ‘ to give her time to get over it ’ just when she needs them most .
16 On the eve of the inquest into Carol Clark 's death , detectives want these people or anyone who saw them to come forward .
17 But being steeped , like them , in the philosophy that if one did a job at all one might as well do it splendidly — or at least a good deal better than the Braithwaites — he had built a very decent stone school with a walled yard and a tiny house attached for the use of the teacher , where anyone who paid him rent for his mill-cottages or any of his other employees who resided elsewhere might send their children — to suit the convenience of the teacher — free of charge .
18 So I got up then and I spoke to the room you know and we were more or less helping one another out and I thought the Chairman had done well when he said erm they do n't speak er Welsh for fancy or anything they use it as every day .
19 or anything we repair them .
20 He had n't suggested the film might not come out although she could n't have had time to develop it yet and she was n't working through a ‘ friend ’ sent round to sympathise with him deplore the whole thing and assure him it could be stopped if he 'd only tell that terrible woman one little thing … ’ — And since I 'm not married or anything I thought I 'd stick to the personal angle .
21 No staff room or loo or anything I think we 're at least entitled to the odd bun !
22 I do n't hate them or anything I think they 're really quite vile , oh
23 Now I 'm aware that many parents bring their children for baptism from reasons of superstition or custom or anything you like I 'm reminded of a certain tax gatherer who , inspired by sheer idle curiosity , climbed a tree curiosity maybe took him up the tree but it was the grace of God that brought him down .
24 Is there any wildlife programmes or anything you want me to oh hold on , I 've got it here .
25 fold bandage and if you want , pack it away like that , you bring the end in the centre , there , so and again the ends in to the centre , just so that they meet like this , like this the centre , just so that they meet there , again , start like this , ends just to meet in the centre do n't overlap them too much and again bend into the centre and you 've got a nice little pad , if you ever need a pad for plonking on a wound quickly , there you 've got a pad , or putting against an ear or anything you want it for and you open it up quickly and you 've got a bandage , two of those and you 've got a
26 And Phoebe was so relaxed that it actually amused her to realise that everyone who saw them would assume they were a boring married couple , English middle-class tourists .
27 This picture , the third in Faye 's series , focused more fully on her face and the likeness of features and form was very good , but it showed her with such a yearning , wistful expression that everyone who saw it and knew her would think her life had been one long secret sorrow .
28 These are sentences such that everyone who understands them will agree on their truth value no matter what the circumstances .
29 This the movies , so we accept that someone who burgles you home , hacks your safe out of a wall with an axe and steals all your savings may be one helluva guy .
30 This last one , the text he sent from Istanbul — the publishers took care of the proofreading , of course — that one I believe I 've got here .
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