Example sentences of "[conj] [pos pn] [noun sg] [subord] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Just companies ' equity , or their debt as well ?
2 If only she could convince herself that her body as well as her mind were equally averse to Roman 's devastating sensuality …
3 If we turn to the processes by which flows become turbulent , rather than their structure when fully turbulent , more positive statements can be made .
4 His study of more than 200 sites in the cantons of Grison and Valais involved the collection of data on a range of variables relating to relief , the degree of site modification in piste construction such as the amount of levelling , soil characteristics , vegetation cover and its disturbance as well as impact assessment , notably sheet , rill and gully erosion , sediment deposition and landslipping .
5 So , when Nicandra , freed , threw herself uninvited into the depths of an embrace , she took from it no true satisfaction , Aunt Tossie had deprived her of her martyrdom and its crown as well .
6 In the seven years we lived there , only once did I ever meet another fisherman on my favourite part of the river ; and over the years I came to know the South Tyne and its wildlife as well as Mole or Rat in Wind and the Willows ever knew their water .
7 As soon as she is married and enters her husband 's family and clan group she is considered a potential source of danger , because her sexuality remains still incompletely controlled and its beneficiality as yet not proven through child-bearing .
8 The student will gain a knowledge and understanding of the travel industry and its technology as well as hands-on experience of BTTS/Prestel .
9 Oh , and her diary as well .
10 But Gabriel trudged on up the ladder , knowing only that he preferred to be with Izzie and her father than alone in the chapel with these stony figures against its walls , all staring with stony eyes , and all too lonely to touch one another .
11 Erm I still want to bring Kate and her father as well I think cos he 's looking at some people , is n't he ?
12 DAALNY HAD discarded at once her anger and her pleading as soon as the choice was made , and made in such a fashion that she knew it could not be changed .
13 Whilst most design theories concentrate on the various elements and their interconnection as previously discussed ( often referred to as the " anatomy of design " ) , only a few refer to the different weights these may have in different situations ( sometimes called the " morphology " ) .
14 It was slowly becoming less necessary to present artists and their management as either a ) choirboys or b ) fairy godmothers .
15 no , that 's a bad one , the er power supply to the machine , the lead it was , there was a break in the circuit and it kept going on and off , so actually I was switching it on right , it just was n't coming on , so she says oh use it by the battery cos its battery as well as electric
16 Even then , such is Peter 's Jewish prejudice , the Holy Spirit has to take the initiative in falling upon Cornelius and his company before ever Peter had got round to making any appeal to repentance , faith and baptism ( 10:44f ) .
17 Mr Major said : ‘ He enhanced sport by his example and his behaviour as well as his skill , ’ adding : ‘ Bobby Moore will always be one of the immortals of soccer . ’
18 The Spaniards were heavily outnumbered ( the French ambassador , d'Estrades , had prepared for a struggle by bringing to London a number of officers from regiments commanded by himself and his son as well as soldiers from the garrison of Gravelines , on the northern coast of France ) ; but they none the less won the immediate contest by cutting the traces of the horses pulling the French ambassador 's coach .
19 If your offer is accepted , the vendor 's agent will notify you in writing , and he will also notify the vendor and his solicitor as well as your own solicitor .
20 and me pram as well
21 May I close by thanking Her Royal Highness , my colleagues on Council , all my friends in our sport and our Association as well as our very loyal and hardworking permanent staff for all their efforts on behalf of the sport .
22 Right , erm three minutes again so you can spot your timing now , it 's under a minute on each of those red things because you 've got your introduction and your ending as well , okay ?
23 But Jan dolloped out a huge spoon of honey into each plate and said to Darren : ‘ Eat your honey , darling , Granny 's been poisoning you , has n't she , and your mother as well ? ’
24 And your niece as well , of course .
25 Yes but my head as well .
26 But their character as well as their scale makes them important .
27 The political context determined not only the timing of their introduction but their content as well : 53 indicators were related to finance , 43 to the workforce , 46 to hospital activity .
28 On the whole he was loyal to Baldwin , whom lie liked to describe , with a degree of exaggeration , as his friend as well as his leader .
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