Example sentences of "[conj] [pos pn] [noun sg] [modal v] give " in BNC.

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1 A trust can not be claimed on the basis of the words ‘ See that you look after the fields , and so it will come about that my son may give you your sons . ’
2 You 'd have to suspect that they were holding the wife to ransom so that her husband would give them access . ’
3 She noticed the girl 's apparent excitement , her shining eyes and lightness of step as she made ready for the adventure ; and again she wondered , surprised that her charge should give the appearance of a damsel in love , one shortly to be reunited with her bridegroom .
4 Ruth walked through the kitchen and ascended the back stairs , looking neither to right nor left , afraid that her face might give her away .
5 Although Bozo 's appointment is being presented as a natural consequence of the desire to reunite the Centre 's four sections , it is clear that his presidency will give the museum a bigger say than in the past and ensure that , where funding is concerned , it is no longer the poor relation of the IRCAM .
6 The requirement is subject to the proviso that our client may give a valid reason why such notice should not be given .
7 I 'm sure that your master will give me shelter and supper tonight . ’
8 Check that your structure will give shape and coherence to your essay .
9 ‘ 7.10 am on the dot and my husband will give you a lift to Torridon , ’ the woman in the council house opposite the hotel had said .
10 According to Brisbane dealer Phillip Bacon , ‘ Bond was passionate about his Australian collection and its dispersal will give him more pain than many more valuable assets ’ .
11 All animals have three-dimensional bodies and their solidity can give them away .
12 390 the creditor obtained judgment against a debtor and it was then agreed that the debtor and his wife would give a joint and several promissory note for the amount of the judgment .
13 In November 1990 , a further letter arrived , saying the young woman 's father was ill : he wanted 150,000 Dirham , and his wife should give 100,000 Dirham to the guard .
14 ‘ He 's direct , brave and courageous and his inclusion would give them a lift . ’
15 ‘ He 's direct , brave and courageous and his inclusion would give them a lift . ’
16 If you ca n't or do n't want to give credit yourself and your business should give credit you may be able to solve the problem by using the money of one or more of the credit card companies instead of your own .
17 Hence , in some measure , if not crises then problems were wished for because their solution could give a sense of purpose .
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