Example sentences of "[conj] [vb mod] be [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It would be illusory , and dangerous , though , to imagine that there could or should be real partnership .
2 Or would be busy sorting things out at school with the run-up to half-term .
3 Chemical analysis can indicate elements that may be present deep in the ground near the stream 's source .
4 We all it is ba , well I say all it is this bloody great strip right be between the ceiling and the walls , the right length of corridor and the manager see it and he said look that should be shiny sort of like and it 's all pitted so he said you 'll have to go up here he said and do it all with steel abrasive said fair enough .
5 In some ways that might be good news , some ways it is n't .
6 In that country legislation also maintains an important position in the setting of norms for industrial relations and working conditions , covering many fringe benefits that could be collective bargaining issues elsewhere .
7 He timed his nods and yesses and ‘ Indeeds ! ’ on an entirely mathematical basis , interspersing them with a sort of pucker-cum-squint that could be mild disagreement or the preface to some statement of his own .
8 Now that he had premises that could be used day and night , he made sure his talents and availability were known .
9 The best topographic candidates for volcanic activity of Mercury are a handful of small rimless craters and certain ridges that could be solidified lava that once rose from fissures .
10 And chairman David Murray believes an outlay of over £300,000 to achieve that would be shrewd business .
11 Shown here is the pool chair and deck chair that can be folded flat for easy storage .
12 The exception to this rule is the entry supplied under DESCRIPTION-LINES-ARE , which is not contained in brackets , and may be free-format text .
13 The decision is made harder by the knowledge that almost all terminally ill patients are receiving medication and may be suffering pain and distress , all of which could affect their mental competence , quite apart from some doctors ' reluctance to ‘ give up . ’
14 We destroy plant and may be animal life for food .
15 For instance , most girls come from lower income families — often one-parent families — and may be early school leavers .
16 Keywords are not included in square brackets and must be upper case .
17 Keywords are not included in square brackets and must be upper case .
18 This volume alone redresses the balance and should be compulsory reading for all physicists .
19 Request for the procedural change has been circulated and should be general item .
20 This is cut from cardboard and should be matt black on the inside , at least .
21 Within the next five years , most PCs should be networked , and should be running network software .
22 The President would " co-ordinate the activity of state bodies to ensure the defence of the country " , and would be Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the USSR Armed Forces .
23 In any case , it does not detract from my central theme that ‘ traditional ’ chemistry is brought alive by anecdotes and can be great fun , a feat that modern chemistry simply can not match except perhaps in the case of hydroxyethane ( ethanol ) , after a few glasses of which , who cares anyway ?
24 Safer sex includes wanking , fingering , body rubbing , massage , oral sex and fucking with a condom and can be great fun as well as erotic .
25 If you are looking for a Christmas present that saves money , is good for the environment and can be used time and time again , Ever Ready has the perfect present — the new FCH6 battery charger .
26 Programs such as this are an invaluable source of information and can be used time and time again .
27 F. Austin ( Leyton ) Ltd v East [ 1961 ] Crim LR 119 is authority for saying that a latent defect amounting to a dangerous condition is not a defence but would be good mitigation .
28 As might be expected stock work , the main source of income , and machinery , the main source of expenditure , were the areas of greatest concern .
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