Example sentences of "[conj] [vb mod] have be [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Now going back into the Hebrew scriptures , you 'll find there that this sort of staying awake counsel , an idea was there long before the days of Jesus and the Apostles and people 's lives were involved in its state , even in those days , let's just let us have a look at one , Isaiah forty two eighteen to twenty now this terms it slightly different , but when you look at it and analyze it , you realize he 's talking about exactly the same thing , it 's regarding the nation of Israel who turned away from Jehovah , they were n't doing what they should be doing , or should 've been doing as he 's pleading with them look there , that look here , here you deaf ones , well we know the nation of Israel were n't all physically deaf , they were like we are , perhaps had a few deaf individuals amongst them , but
2 Some younger ones too may want children to fill some need for love and affection that may have been lacking in their lives .
3 Undertaken sensitively and carefully by an experienced operator in controlled circumstances , regression therapy should be a beneficial and restorative experience for the subject , enabling him to be rid of a serious problem that may have been troubling him for years and indeed possibly ruining his life .
4 He was ever anxious about the weather and , when he could think of nothing else to be anxious about , he became worried that he must have forgotten something important that should have been causing him worry .
5 I knew that Vecchi 's reason for shooting Mahoney was something that must have been worrying Mr. Bonanza .
6 They had taken the very unusual step of advertising in the local newspaper for anyone to come forward who knew of any ritual practices that might have been taking place in South Ronaldsay .
7 These comments do not seem to be based primarily on the notion of standardization as a process ( J. Milroy and L. Milroy , 1985a ) that might have been beginning to have an effect about this time : they present the standard language as a coherent entity — a variety , like any other variety .
8 However , in general , he was not allowed to go there since his presence excited all of the large apes housed there and interfered with any research that might have been going on .
9 He also saw two carriages that might have been carrying senior officers , and he flirted with the idea that one of the carriages might have belonged to the Emperor himself .
10 I felt a strong feeling of nausea as I realised that I had put my hand through the chest of a dead British soldier that could have been lying in the ditch for several days .
11 She was very religious and may have been considering the best approaches to make .
12 They seem to have happened periodically over the last 900 million years , and may have been doing so since the early days of Earth ( the longer ago something happened , the less likely it is that we will have tripped over the evidence ) .
13 Two thirds of those with baseline hypoxaemia had been born preterm and may have been suffering mild , clinically unapparent chronic lung disease .
14 Bill was with Boots the Chemist , and may have been working in Peterborough when Kathleen was with us — I ca n't remember .
15 Everyone said I looked worn out and must have been gadding about too much !
16 Schoolboy Bobby Dennison said : ‘ She missed me and my friend by inches and must have been doing about 60mph .
17 What intrigues me is that Mailer has spent years on it , has published almost 1,200 pages , is at work on part two and must have been doing all this while the Reagan/Bush/Casey/North epoch went rolling past a society and a mass media obsessed with Nancy 's wardrobe and the cultivation of the perfect junk-bond .
18 I was determined to get him , and must have been concentrating so intently on his movements that , like a fool , I forgot to look in the mirror until it was too late .
19 Dunwoody had in the past won on Norton 's Coin and would have been riding him in the Gold Cup had Desert Orchid been absent .
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