Example sentences of "[conj] [pos pn] [noun] [verb] are " in BNC.

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1 It is with some reluctance that I have to strongly disagree with one of my fellow presidents , but some of the impressions that her article creates are very misleading and , in some cases , offensive .
2 Never ask or expect the patient to perform actions that his physiotherapist considers are too hard for him .
3 Basically , this means that your sums insured are adjusted each year in line with the rise in the cost of rebuilding and repairs , or of replacing your possessions .
4 They continued to evolve with undiminished vigour through the Tertiary , and their fossil remains are nowhere more abundant than in the ‘ crags ’ of later Tertiary age .
5 It is often stated that young children are in the concrete operational stage of development and that their experience of the adult world and their ability to understand are restricted .
6 Victory : The only valuables the Vampire and his minion have are on their persons ( see their profiles ) .
7 These schools , given a far from warm reception when first proposed , are to be funded in a new way , are to fall altogether outside Local Authority control , and as their name implies are to be devoted primarily to preparing their pupils for a career in industry .
8 Scientifically known as the aurora borealis , the lights , as their name suggests are normally only seen in very northern areas .
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