Example sentences of "[conj] [subord] he [verb] they " in BNC.

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1 The same attitude is recognizable in the fragments of the histories of Posidonius , the pupil of Panaetius who , amidst all his philosophical work , decided to become the continuator of Polybius for the period after 146 B.C. It is uncertain whether Posidonius concluded his histories with the events of Sulla 's dictatorship or whether he extended them to include the Eastern wars of Pompey .
2 Low rejected this , but agreed that a Yugoslav officer would be permitted " to visit all camps in which there were CROATS , or as he called them , Yugoslav Quislings " .
3 He knows that if he helps them in time of need , they will reciprocate without being asked .
4 She loved him so very much that if he suggested they take hands and spurt to the cliff-edge and plunge off the edge together like lovesick lemmings she would do it .
5 Although Perot was the only candidate to leave the debates with a higher opinion poll rating than when he entered them , there was a widespread perception that Clinton had clearly outperformed Bush , appearing assured and in command of an impressive array of detailed policy information , while Bush appeared keener to deal in innuendo and generality .
6 He had developed a terrible memory for who he drove and where he drove them to .
7 Well in some of he boxes like that and once he hits them , and he knows he 's hurt them , then they
8 Perhaps Tock had been too hard on them and if he treated them gently their disobedience would stop .
9 Presumably , Mr. Tylee considered these had not outlived their useful life and if he kept them long enough , a buyer might come along .
10 Menzies the old bon vivant had not a fraction of Atholl 's strength , he would not dare to turn them away , and if he did they would go in there with sticks and clubs and — As Cameron felt his anger rising , he swallowed it , took up his own cherrywood stick from the corner , and went hack outside .
11 The defender averred that as a result of that announcement he telephoned Macfie & Alexander , speaking to Mr Rae , one of the partners , and told him to expect an offer of £70,000 from Ferguson & Forster and that he instructed Mr Rae that when the offer was received , he ( the defender ) would consider its terms and if he found them satisfactory he would instruct Mr Rae to accept the offer .
12 He thought he would come to no harm both because people needed his services as a medical man and because he thought they would regard him as nothing more than a political eccentric .
13 Gilbert White was proud of his early cucumbers , cutting the first of 1753 on 5th April to take to his brother in London and when he discovered they were priced two shillings apiece in Town , arranged for a further thirteen to be conveyed on the coach from Selborne .
14 They looked back at him with the bright eyes of rats in old people 's faces and when he asked them a question .
15 S as Spike knows , about phoning places that I where I do n't recognize the number and asking them who the fuck they are and when he called them . .
16 Wexford brought his beer and as he passed them the man got up as if to take his leave .
17 Their heads were close together and as he appeared they all looked up in unison with startled faces and fell silent .
18 He kept the glasses trained , and as he watched they turned into a herd of about seven buffalo filing slowly in their direction .
19 The studio was shaded with heavy blue curtains and as he drew them back so that she could see to read more easily , a shaft of sunlight struck across her hair .
20 He did n't really care if she and Nick were happy or not but if he thought they had been happier at Druid 's Bottom than they were at his house , he might stop them going again .
21 That he was so successful was not because his dancers were technical experts , but because he made them feel Rachmaninov 's passionate love of ‘ music as movement ’ .
22 Furthermore , Morgan was interested in the patterns which kinship terms create , not just for themselves , but because he believed they reflected the system of marriage with which they had originally been used .
23 But because he read them so often the Bookman had a little problem .
24 He made sure his hands were dry too but while he wiped them he managed to drop the hat .
25 There was a box of matches in his top pocket , but when he got them out his hands were so wet that he could not make them strike .
26 He bought a quantity believing they were Ecstasy , but when he tried them found that they were another drug altogether .
27 But when he did they showed no interest at all , they just said the officer concerned was not there .
28 Hilton uses words like " shape " and " image " ( " oure lord God schope man in soule to his owne ymage and liknes " ) ( 1.63r. – 193 ) which depend on spatial dimension for their meaning ; but as he defines them they point to an integration of human sentient powers in a consciousness of transcendent love and knowledge .
29 He still irritated her with his casual dress , the sloppy tie hanging round his neck , the top button always undone , the lazy grin and teasing remarks in front of her colleagues , but as he teased them all she was in no way singled out .
30 The hospital 's fifteenth-century chapel houses a small collection of works by Hans Memling : exquisite , jewel-like portraits and interpretations of biblical scenes and Christian legends , as vivid as when he painted them 500 years ago .
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