Example sentences of "[conj] [subord] one [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 But why be wrestling with this God and seeking a blessing from him — other than if one believes that the text is of God ?
2 Her skin was tight across her ivory face and although one suspected that the tautness was maintained by a beauty parlour , it did n't lessen the harmony of the face , in which brown eyes seemed bigger than they really were , like a sun at sunset .
3 The magnitude of the special needs post-holder 's task becomes clear if one considers that these skills are to be geared to assisting classroom teachers of varying lengths of career experience ( often considerably longer than that of the ‘ qualified ’ supporter ) and range of subject specialities ( beyond the supporter 's expertise ) — teachers already under pressure from many directions and with ambivalent feelings about ‘ hawing problems ’ and ‘ being seen as in need of help ’ ; and if one considers that the supporter 's extended task is to deepen these colleagues ' understanding of ‘ special ’ learning needs , to enhance their skills , discover and develop their strengths and the confidence that the professional know.how they possess can be summoned for responding more appropriately to most of the behavioural , emotional and learning difficulties they encounter .
4 Erm well well er put like that erm put like that er I suppose it it does n't if if one accepts that the the the traffic and transport erm case is ma is made elsewhere .
5 My hon. Friend is right , and when one recalls that one of the world 's biggest employers was the Red Army , one can read a lot into that country 's full employment policy .
6 But unless one realizes that there is a mind structure , including appropriate sensory and motor indriyas at a subtle level , as well as corresponding sense organs and motor functions , such experimental observations remain obscure and lacking in a full understanding and interpretation .
7 I know that the ‘ black baby ’ campaign was merely an attempt at fund-raising , but when one realizes that this implies that black children were ‘ for sale ’ one can see that this term would be deeply offensive to black Catholics and others .
8 The rents seem low , but when one considers that Mayhew 's seller of songs with a dependent wife earned less than 10s. a week and sometimes less than 5s. , it is easy to see why he might cling to his far from model room , where he has his own ‘ bits and sticks ’ , even at an exorbitant rent of 2s. 3d .
9 But when one learns that the whole project involved only two months of actual field research ( July-August 1936 ) , it becomes obvious that , in this case , the success of the enterprise must have been heavily dependent upon Fei 's prior local knowledge .
10 The extent to which individual disciplines make use of libraries in their researches may be expected to vary , but when one sees that some universities spend 50% to 100% per capita more than others , it does suggest that the value placed by university managers on their libraries varies in some highly individualistic ways .
11 It is important to remember this when thinking about climatic geomorphology , because if one assumes that landforms are going to vary significantly with these zones , one assumes that the climatic parameters controlling landforms are the same as those controlling natural vegetation .
12 For if one supposes that all good things become valueless if you remove the pleasure , one may infer that all the value must lie in the pleasure .
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