Example sentences of "[conj] [subord] you want [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The correct term is spaying , or if you want to be really scientific , panovariohysterectomy !
2 After reading these you can delete the relevant lines , or if you want to be more careful , exclude them with a semi-colon .
3 So forty pounds minus the two pounds , or if you want to be totally accurate , two pounds and tuppence , policy fee , will leave thirty seven pounds ninety eight .
4 I mean , that may have been the right impression , and I do n't want to force you to say more than you want to , or really anything , but I 'd like to know if you still want to write to me , possibly just about books , or if you wanted to
5 He went to the US because ‘ Goldsmith decided that if you wanted to be a capitalist the UK and France were not the places to be ’ .
6 ACHINESE proverb has it that if you want to be happy for a week , get married ; for a month , kill a pig ; for a lifetime , plant a garden .
7 It is a case is n't it , that if you want to be a er a professional woman footballer , certainly there 's more opportunities on the continent than there are in Britain , is , is is is that the case ?
8 And you can then also couple between keyboards so that if you want to you can play the sounds from this keyboard on the lower one by coupling the two together and making them work as a pair , but that removes the inde independency of being able to set one against the other .
9 And I said and of course to do it really properly , you also have envelopes so that if you want to you can stick , stick the card in an envelope that will
10 that 's what I tried to say to people , that if you want to be an informed parent then you want to know fully who 's doing it , what , you want to know the content , you want
11 No I am grateful to Mr because he 's finally crystallised in my mind something that 's been bugging me the longer I stay on this council about exactly what the Tories see their role here as and it 's now very clear to me , more than ever and that is that if you want to be obstructive and negative and if you go on long enough being obstructive and negative what you can end up doing is that you 'll find yourself eventually in a position going on long enough that you can make totally meaningless speeches but at least you 'll get nice headlines in the paper and that seems to me the whole essence of the Tory strategy .
12 All self-employed means is that if you want to you can get up at seven o'clock in the morning and start work at half past seven , and work right through till eleven o'clock at night .
13 Take life at your own pace , stop when and where you want to , and discover as much of this strikingly beautiful country as you like .
14 You tell the reader everything your sleuth sees and hears ( fair play ) and you have the ability partly to enter the detective 's head when and where you want to .
15 selling and getting a result on that you see I 've covered a lot of stuff for you on that , I 've covered quite a bit with you on , er product knowledge , now would you say that you 're reasonably together there and where you want to be on product knowledge ?
16 You can also ask to be put in contact with others in a similar position to yourself and if you want to you can always arrange to meet regularly or form a support group to discuss matters which are relevant to all of you in your day to day work .
17 As we increase our confidence , right , so if we are ninety five percent confident we are now looking at the five percent significance level T rat er the critical value rate rises to two point zero point two and if you want to be even more confident , to be ninety nine percent confident about our inference , you look at the one percent level , right , and that has a T ratio of two point seven five .
18 There are eight recycling points throughout the city … and if you want to be the complete environmentalist … they say it 's better to walk there or cycle if you can .
19 and people used to go and see it and go and enjoy them and if you want to erm , if you went into Wales and on that way there was , who was it , it 's Albert you know
20 And if you want to be a little classy , the Mark Phillips Equestrian Centre at Gleneagles Hotel , Perthshire ( Tel : 0764 62231 ) has a two nights half board programme , with a choice between instruction , riding or even carriage driving .
21 Never try to force it , or you will cast anywhere but where you want to .
22 But if you want to be humane you do n't last long as Minister with Special Responsibility for Immigration because the policies you have to carry out are so inhumane .
23 But if you want to — you know — go anywhere , there 's one at the end of the yard .
24 But if you want to you can re-name him . ’
25 Erm , now some of you , you know , er , this is a big company , you probably have very intricate expense forms type things that you have to do , but if you want to , kindly note that you can analyse your expenses on the front of the envelopes
26 Because if you want to , if you want to beat the system , you can of course .
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