Example sentences of "[conj] [subord] you [am/are] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As we have seen , this refers to a sense of knowing who or where you are in a society which has increasingly ‘ spread ’ over time and space .
2 Or if you are of a nightmare disposition , the whole thing resembles the clinical and pageless world of Ray Bradbury 's Fahrenheit 451 , a world in which there is sexual fetishism , but no books , and people are wired for sound and watch TVs implanted into the walls of their homes .
3 Even the less sensitive need a high factor in very intense sunlight , or if you are at very high altitude .
4 There are advantages in transferring the investments to your wife altogether so that the income arises to her if she has spare allowances , or if you are in the age allowance trap and she is not .
5 Clearly , you may also be able to persuade someone to lend you money if you have power of some sort — if they owe you a favour or if you are their boss or if you are in a position of some authority for example .
6 Or if you are in the kitchen , mum !
7 Or if you 're with another body that 's agreed er seventy five er eightieths or whatever
8 Well I was just wondering , I wanted to go up to , or if you 're at the bank you 'll be near the income tax office would n't you ?
9 Or if you 're on foot do n't miss the cluster of narrow streets around the port , reminiscent of an Eastern bazaar .
10 Set all alarm clocks in the house to ensure you get up at the right hour , or if you 're in a guest house , ask for a breakfast call , nice and early .
11 Take care to establish whether within the terms of such a contract you are considered part of the rostered qualified workforce , or whether you are to be treated as supernumerary .
12 It 's also very important from the adults ' point of view that erm it does n't matter if you are a so called single parent , which , I by the way , am , or whether you are within erm a couple but actually in in fact you 're , you 're a single parent because you 're getting no support .
13 I do n't know if this is a good space to do it , or when you 're in the middle of setting up .
14 There are several methods you may find helpful when you feel you are losing control or when you are at a loss to understand your child 's persistent aggression .
15 Many garden pools have ornamental fountains which are switched on on hot days or when you are in the garden .
16 The point is that once you 're in the boat and on the water the disability ceases to count .
17 The fingerboard is wide and again lends itself well to rock styles , although if you 're into slinging guitars around your knees and just going for the chords there 's plenty of meat to get hold of .
18 You can actually get stronger as you go along on all the benefits so instead of selling one benefit , you could sell them a multitude of benefits because it means that if you 're with a customer two hours or two and a half hours , instead of spending ninety percent of the time , chatting along , you , you 'll not argue about , you follow me , I 've stopped selling benefits , but I used to sell them brillian brilliantly , in other words you get , gives you a bit of meat
19 In the Covermaster Plan , Andrew , there 's something called waiver of premium , what this means to you is that if you 're off work through illness for a long period of time , Abbey 's going to pay the premiums for you .
20 Some people will actually say , if I could add something to the plan that would cost you just a little bit more , which means that if you 're off work through illness , the company , Abbey will pay the premiums for you , would you be prepared to pay a bit more .
21 It 's a fact of life that if you 're in any way well known , then you 're going to come in for criticism .
22 While wishing you to have a nice day wherever you may be , the folks at Dixons/Silo prefer that if you 're in the UK , you do your shopping at Dixons , where prices are 60 to 80 per cent higher .
23 Erm some women tend to have more pitch variation and they 're more emotional so they 're more likely to use encouraging tones er which can sometimes be seen to be slightly patronizing , whereas boys think it 's soppy to be emotional or expressive way , so that if you 're in school and you 're asking people to read out in class , erm a girl would be more likely to be more expressive , whereas a boy would be a little bit more monotonous , and just sort of read it out and not put any emotion into it .
24 But what 's certain is that if you 're in that type of job you will be amongst the lowest paid workers in Scotland .
25 I think it is essential to feel that if you are to be a successful athlete .
26 Do n't think that because you are on a long term site you are secure ; one has already closed in Cumbria and more could follow .
27 What is absolutely vital is that while you are on one particular diet , you follow the rules that apply to that diet , and those rules only .
28 People say that when you are on the rostrum and start making music …
29 We hope that when you 're at home watching the show it all looks like a relaxed , late evening chat — at least , that 's how it 's meant to come across .
30 " He 's possessed , he 's not a normal person : you can tell that when you 're with him . "
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