Example sentences of "[conj] [subord] i [verb] from " in BNC.

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1 From then on I continually sought quiet , and that although I went from one place to another .
2 You see now that the most common cause of death is what they call the of diseases resulting from degenerate lifestyles , and I 'm very proud and I 'm very proud to tell you that although I come from South Africa , and you might not think I 'm very intelligent , as you sit here , down here and there , I can sign your death certificate already .
3 And in return , I promise you that if I get from you the reply for which I hope , I will be about your business presently .
4 And where I come from , ’ he told her , ‘ it 's soft and beautiful .
5 Today , in my constituency of Brecon and Radnor , where my father came from and where I come from , unemployment has doubled in the past 15 months .
6 I am very positive in my views , and where I come from .
7 ‘ I wo n't get a fellow , I 'm from nowhere , a decent fellow would n't be able to talk about me and where I came from .
8 I see the sign saying Welcome to Inverness just as I remember where I left the car and where I left from this morning and just before I turn and stamp to the nearest desk and demand in my highest dudgeon to be taken to Edinburgh on a charted Lear if necessary or limoed immediately to the highest-starred hotel within a reasonable radius for a free overnight dinner , bed and breakfast and unlimited bar tab .
9 Spinward and HKI were big corporations where and when I come from .
10 The hall and the gallery and the enormous stained glass windows which faced the door as you came in , and the three reception rooms were ours , and as I suffer from terrible claustrophobia , I thought it was a wonderful place to live although David , who I am sure does n't suffer from claustrophobia as badly as I do , being British and like most British people , would be content to live in smaller environments .
11 He will need my attention and as I note from his record that he is also a Roman Catholic by religion , he may also need the ministrations of Father Martin here . ’
12 If as I suspect from what Mr has said that that the there is some reluctance to start revamping the Greater York in quotes figures .
13 erm in the days when they had terraced houses back to back terraced houses erm well anywhere in the country I guess but but where I come from it was fine for the people who lived with their doors on the on the road but the people who lived at the other side of the block they could n't get from the road so every so often down the down the terrace they had a little alley way an entry I think you 'd probably call it in Scotland , do n't they ?
14 I jump for joy … but until I hear from the Foreign Office or from Martin , I wo n't believe it .
15 Erm now I know that most of you have memorized the constitution but because I suffer from Alzheimer 's I had to bring mine with me to remind myself erm what the constitution says about the , the powers of the presidency .
16 But when I heard from him that she was ill , I had to ... ’
17 But when I returned from military service in 1960 , my employers asked me to represent them south of the border , in that troutless land beyond Mr Hadrian 's Wall known as England .
18 But when I go from hence to this testing I must leave affairs here in one pair of hands , the closest and dearest to me .
19 To my mind it 's a pity you did n't take that attitude when you were first made aware of the situation , because when I returned from next door you were still yelling your head off at her and painting a vivid picture of what her life would be with an illegitimate child tacked on to her .
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