Example sentences of "[conj] [subord] [pers pn] [vb past] be " in BNC.

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1 You did not tell me what you had been doing , or where you had been , and you were not interested in whatever I might have been doing .
2 You were also , probably , drunk , but how you got drunk , or where you had been between that first moment of reacquaintance with yourself and now , was a mystery .
3 James had stayed behind and Lewis had been sullen for the half-hour or so they 'd been walking before suddenly announcing he wanted to be alone .
4 ‘ If the prints were undated or if they had been given younger dates most experts would probably accept them as have made by Homo , ’ said Russell Tuttle from the University of Chicago who has recently analysed casts of the footprints at the invitation of Mary Leakey .
5 Even now , after this short while , she found it hard to remember if Johnny had truly been with her or if it had been only a dream .
6 Jenna had never known if that last advice had come from her mother or if it had been her father 's order .
7 Or if I had been poor and friendless , with no hope of riches or success ? ’
8 Or if you 'd been on holiday . ’
9 I was in some doubt as to whether the Corporal had stumbled upon us accidentally on his way out of the town or if he 'd been deliberately tasked .
10 In many cases , mummy used to give you a sweet to ‘ make it better ’ or because you had been ‘ good ’ .
11 The plaintiff could not prove that the defendant knew it was a secret process either because of its nature or because he had been specifically told that it was and Vaisey J pointed out that if it were really secret it was surprising that the defendant 's employment had brought him into contact with it ; he had been to prison in the past .
12 ‘ We do n't know where the men had been or where they were going or whether they had been drinking or not .
13 There was astonishment also at what Sylvie Guillem could do with her legs , and excited suspense was also manifested over the question of whether Inès de la Fressange was coming or whether she had been deemed to be too much associated with Chanel and had therefore , in spite of being a close personal friend of Christian 's , been unceremoniously dumped .
14 He wondered whether she had always been quite so uncaring of her appearance or whether it had been grief and rage at Uncle Bill 's defection that had started this off .
15 At the former , stone-robbing had effectively removed the crucial junction on the steeply sloping ground ; at the gate , it remained unclear whether the wall was already in existence or whether it had been constructed at the same time .
16 The time they shared became special now , where before they had been free and easy .
17 Foreign scholars as well as foreign diplomats found to their surprise that where they had been led to expect barbarity , they found civilization and love of learning ; for Giovanni Ferreri , who settled in the abbey of Kinloss , close to the university of Aberdeen , Girolamo Aleandro , teacher of Greek and Hebrew at Paris , and Girolamo Cardano , physician of Milan , Scottish scholars were welcome members of the academic community of Europe .
18 Credit Suisse said that although it had been decided that none of the managers could represent the bondholders , it would be advising them and providing them with information .
19 I sent the cheque back , saying that although it had been immensely good of them to bring me up , I must have been a great burden and was now a disappointment , so I would prefer them to keep this money as some repayment for all they had done .
20 Like many graduates stimulated by their experiences , he discovered that although he had been of sufficient calibre to acquire the offer of the scholarship in the first place , he now faced the inevitable service obsession with a rejection of academic prowess in preference for ‘ practical skills in the real world ’ ( ibid. 157 ) :
21 Official accounts of the trial noted that although he had been involved in plotting the occupation of Tiananmen Square , he had given himself up to the police and had shown " repentance " .
22 In his resignation speech , Gorbachev asserted that although he had been in favour of " the independence and self-determination of peoples and the sovereignty of republics " , he had also believed in " preserving the union state and the country 's integrity " .
23 On Harper 's behalf it was said that although he 'd been reckless , dangerous and stupid by starting the fire , there 'd been no evil or mischief in his mind .
24 She found , however , that once she had been formally initiated into the movement , she was expected to spend all her time with other female devotees and could no longer speak to , let alone question , the leaders ( who were all male ) .
25 In other words , while the court would not have imposed liability in respect of the decision itself ( except if it had been perverse ) failure to go through the preliminary steps of obtaining essential information could have grounded liability .
26 I used a textured cream fabric as a backing , to add a little interest , although if it had been too heavy it would have distracted one 's eye from the heart pattern itself .
27 He lived in 1935 ( when I last saw him ) in the utmost simplicity , although if he had been a little more conciliatory he could always have earned enough for his comfort — and his wife 's ; but he never valued anything that money could buy as he valued the integrity of his sharp-shooting mind .
28 The solicitor who gave those undertakings was not made a party to the proceedings , although if he had been held out by his firm as a partner , s14 of the Partnership Act would have fixed him with potential liability .
29 He and his friends would have seen that if they 'd been allowed to talk for a bit .
30 They may feel responsible for adding to the dead person 's problems or may feel that if they had been more alert they would have noticed their friend 's or relative 's distress .
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