Example sentences of "[conj] [v-ing] back [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Sport offers spontaneity which , combined with ever more sophisticated technology , allows a viewer to watch a game from many different angles , moving in for a close-up on the agonized or exultant face of the athlete , or panning back for a shot of the pitch , track , or the seashore during an Open golf championship .
2 be ready to make informed guesses , and to correct themselves in the light of additional information , eg by reading ahead or looking back in the text ;
3 Other options open to the council include reducing the opening hours of all libraries or cutting back on the money it pends on books .
4 Sometimes the actors went back up to their dressing-rooms for an hour at a stretch while she and Geoffrey stood in for them , posing languidly at the fireplace or leaning back on the settee , twirling empty wine glasses .
5 Instead he learned that life is not a choice between murdering your way to the throne or slopping back in a sty ; that there are swinish kings and regal hogs ; that the king may envy the pig ; and that the possibilities of the not-life will always change tormentingly to fit the particular embarrassments of the lived life .
6 Whenever that happens , rather than going back to the track I play something else that will fit , or I leave it as an improvisational section , so to speak .
7 One of those kittenish creatures he remembered from the films of his childhood in the Fifties , clad in waist-high , baby-doll nightdresses , women who seemed to enjoy nothing more than lying back among the yellow nylon sheets and allowing themselves to be strangled .
8 Rather than moving back to a more conventional approach based on genuine consultation , it had opted for a system giving it greater control .
9 In the largest experiment ever undertaken using the methods of integrated pest management ( IPM ) , scientists with the UN 's Food and Agriculture Organisation ( FAO ) have demonstrated that cutting back on the applications of pesticide can result in increased crop yields .
10 Perhaps it is better , rather than roaming back into the recesses of geological time to consider the sudden and simultaneous extinctions that happened in Our geological yesterday .
11 A delicately ludicrous picture comes into Howard 's mind of an enthusiastic little hiker with a rucksack on his back , trying to walk up the side of the Matterhorn , and tumbling back with an astonished look on his face .
12 ‘ That should give Mait pause for thought , ’ he muttered , straightening and stepping back into the cemetery to retrieve his umbrella .
13 He dismissed her by turning and wading back round the corner of the wall .
14 She stood for several moments in front of the altar before turning away and walking back towards the door .
15 She had drifted unhappily around the estate , dragging her feet and shrinking back from the noisy pack of children which romped around the gardens .
16 Outside I could hear rain falling upon the fire-escape and bouncing back against the window .
17 Next moment , both men were out of the cab and sprinting back towards the blazing house .
18 This suffering may be associated with rapidly changing configurations of personality , being a new person one day , and sinking back into the old self on the next , only to find that some minor episode puts the new organisation of self again in a position of regnancy .
19 But at last she was back in her room , and sinking back against the closed door in a grief that was too deep for tears .
20 He crossed the road , pausing on the kerb and looking back towards the Lancia .
21 Just for a moment , standing by the window , dropping the edge of the curtain he had lifted and turning back towards the cot , Adam saw the picture again , saw it with an awful clarity on the darkness before his eyes .
22 And with that he started off , crossing the road and going back down the hill .
23 It 's exciting ; going back together and going back to a country which hopefully is changing .
24 In those few days between seeing my surgeon and going back to the X-ray department I went up to that chapel two or three times a day , I did my visualizations with all the intensity that I could summons .
25 He uses scientific methodology for both processes — forming hypotheses , testing them , and going back to the drawing board .
26 Head to the viewing platform and then turn right through the wood and go back to the field turning right down the hard path and going back to the Castle Bolton signpost .
27 I have been using the playhouse for about ten years now and going back to the point that someone made earlier about sex well about erm racism sexism is does n't that count as censorship .
28 And going back to the taking of the bread to the erm er bakehouse erm if there was a fire going they did n't do that , because they were baked in the oven , but in the summertime we did it more often than in the winter , because if there was no fire you see , there was no gas cooker or anything like that , all the cooking was done on the coal fire and the oven at the side of it .
29 Er about drugs and going back to the drugs , you mentioned about valium and problems
30 ‘ Oh , I 'm well enough , ’ Mrs Clamp said , shaking her head and coming down off the stool , picking up some more frozen burgers and going back to the freezer .
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