Example sentences of "[conj] [v-ing] at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Encourage the patient to do the types of activities recommended for him , and try to prevent him from sitting idly , or gazing at the television .
2 He buried himself in work , while she filled every hour of the day playing tennis or golf at the Royal Club , or discoing at the Key or the Cheminée with a group of friends .
3 When you are actually sort of writing er , say if you are , when you are doing your project or doing your work it 's not just sufficient to say always T ratio is greater than two , therefore , it 's statistically significant , you must calculate the er correct critical value you use , right , for th for each T ratio and also if you are looking at any diagnostics or looking at the significance of the regression which is an F statistic right you must give the five percent or ten percent whichever you choose .
4 Extending the curriculum to include a range of applications which more adequately than at present represents the kinds of human endeavour where mathematics is used would be another such change , with fewer examples involving ballistics and war , for instance , and more involving such activities as working with fabrics , designing appliances for the disabled or looking at the school canteen 's queuing problems .
5 And whether you are dining in the restaurant or relaxing at the bar , our helpful staff want to make sure you really enjoy your visit .
6 I have enjoyed reading ZZAP ! since early 1987 ( issue 25 ) and have seen many Editors come and go ( I do n't know whether I 'm coming or going at the moment — Ed ) .
7 Everyone knew the tales of rabid dogs : how they suddenly went wild and uncontrollable , spinning round in circles , and rampaging through a village scattering chickens , or baying at the moon and running with the jackals .
8 If you feel that you might benefit from using the Counselling Service you can make arrangements to see a counsellor by telephoning , writing to , or calling at the campus office .
9 However , each limb can now attack , clawing or kicking at the adventurers .
10 She thought of it first when she spent her two nights on the Embankment , which was littered as soon as dark fell with sad , wild men and women stuffing bread into their mouths out of brown paper bags or staring at the barges on the river .
11 1807 " The Meeting having revised the Consideration of last year 's resolution respecting the Restriction as to the Liquor … now think that this restriction is not necessary … the Constables shall also be prohibited from Eating or Drinking at the Expence of the Publick . "
12 As we moved along I could n't help feeling apprehensive as I looked for newly disturbed ground that could contain a box mine , or glancing at the trees and hedges for signs of booby-traps .
13 We believe that every asylum seeker , whether in-country or arriving at the ports , should have access to good free legal advice .
14 Colonel Peter Young was a popular officer , well liked by everyone , always seemed to be of the same temperament , in action , or sitting at the bar in a country inn .
15 Schooldays , for Wigglesworth , were not , curiously , filled with concert-going , or sitting at the baton-end of the great .
16 Whereas another horse may show annoyance also by putting its ears back , or pawing at the ground , or by grinding its teeth , or swishing its tail , and so on .
17 However , the burgeoning folk revival of the 50s and 60s offered her a welcome release , and eventually she won a respected place in the circuit of folk festivals and folksong clubs , singing material not only from her mother 's repertoire but also from a personal ‘ collection ’ gathered when hawking , or working at the tatties .
18 Although most research in settlement geography has been directed at settlement systems , or the distribution of villages , it is also important to consider village development or planning at the micro-scale of design or general layout .
19 He found that gazing at the CO 's moustache helped .
20 Her eyes were wide with sworls of silver and blue brighter than looking at the sun at its zenith in the longest day of summer .
21 Rather than looking at the proposal we decided that it was so that 's what we did really and that 's why , if you have a look down there right , so all we 're doing then we 're working through the resources and allocating them room numbers erm and then when that 's done so that 's what we did for each of the little rooms .
22 I do not know what the hon. Gentleman means , but I regret that , as ever — and typically of Labour Members — the hon. Gentleman seems to glory in gloom and despondency in identifying the more negative aspects of things , rather than looking at the positive .
23 It 's something very close to what I 'm saying erm and erm I 'm saying perhaps one thing in addition , which is that just as when we look into the future , which , as a historian , I 'm asked to do more often , I think , these days than looking at the past , but when we look into the future , we have different versions of what that future will be .
24 It may be that looking at the bodies will tell me .
25 This means that looking at the process in an ex-post fashion , the underwriters made a return of 1.11 per cent .
26 I conclude that looking at the matter from the point of view of expense incurred and not from the point of view of loss to the employer no expense could be regarded as having been incurred as a result of the decision of the authorities of the college to provide this particular benefit to the taxpayer .
27 However , it was said that looking at the employee 's base was not the be-all and end-all .
28 It 's probably no more pleasant than living at the centre of some large , dirty , crime-ridden city .
29 We need to look , then , for the specific practices that produce gender roles rather than stopping at the roles themselves .
30 ( It might be useful to remind the reader at this point that the Speech and Drama movement , although fading at the school level , had become firmly entrenched in teacher colleges where many well qualified Speech and Drama people had gained appointments , colleges such as Trent Park and Goldsmiths ' , where teacher-training in the arts was not unlike theatre-training . )
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