Example sentences of "[conj] [v-ing] it was [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Well erm you see although I learned shorthand and typing it was better money and that was the reason I had to do it , I 've passed my exams in shorthand but er probably there were n't enough offices then to employ a good many clerks , but erm they er it was a very big fellow who used to ring the bell and the bell was on the outside , he was named Tom but I ca n't for the life of me think erm what his other name was but , erm it used to put the fear through us I can tell you if we were around the corner and we heard that bell ringing but erm they , they were a good firm to work for and , but they were strict but everywhere was strict in those days , we had to accept it but it was a long long hours , but erm they knew I had some , I , I enjoyed it and I 'd go back again only I 'm too old .
2 The passengers came straggling back shedding overcoats and saying it was cold outside , and again the dining car filled up .
3 It cost me less than a tenner and for swingtipping and springtipping it was brilliant .
4 Instead of liking the look of the water , wading in carefully and finding it was wonderful , she 'd tumbled in at the deep end .
5 But then the weather changed and although things were given and flowering it was cold and windy and it seemed strange there should be all that blossom , wrong like , as if it had made a mistake and popped up at the wrong time — that was because I had felt the warmth of those few nice days .
6 Moscow News quoted an Interior Ministry colonel as saying it was impossible even for convoys with a military escort to cross into Nagorny Karabakh .
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