Example sentences of "[conj] [v-ing] been [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I decided that it was perhaps because they were n't possessive and had given no other human being the feeling that having been once disgorged he was n't safe and at any moment might find himself gobbled up again and back in the confines of a body not his own .
2 But having been once rebuffed , the Scandinavians set about collecting more evidence .
3 In Austria it was announced on Aug. 13 that the visa requirement for Poles would be finally lifted on Sept. 1 — having originally been abolished in 1988 , but having been hurriedly re-introduced in on Sept. 6 , 1990 , in the face of a massive immigration surge .
4 The impact of the migrants has varied from country to country , but two areas which stand out as having been profoundly affected throughout the continent are housing and employment .
5 In the latter case , the contract of employment of the unlawfully rejected candidate is considered as having been automatically concluded as from the date on which the other candidate has been hired .
6 Stalin therefore becomes the authentic Marxist , able to deal with specific historical circumstances , as against Trotsky who is regarded as having been hopelessly caught up with the a priori universalism of an abstract Marxism .
7 1.8 " Architect " means ( name ) of ( address ) or such other person as the Landlord may from time to time appoint to perform the functions of the architect under the Building Contract and notify to the Tenant as having been so appointed It may be that the landlord will entrust supervisory functions to a surveyor or some other suitably qualified person .
8 That the Bill shall be laid upon the Table of the House by one of the Clerks in the Private Bill Office on the next meeting of the House after the day on which the Bill has been presented and , when so laid , shall be read the first and second time ( and shall be recorded in the Journal of this House as having been so read ) and , having been amended by the Committee in the last Session , shall be ordered to lie upon the Table .
9 The allegations against Sessions , which related to the misuse of government cars and aircraft and were claimed to have originated from an anonymous letter , were widely denounced as having been politically inspired in an attempt to intimidate the FBI and discredit its inquiry .
10 There is little to be gained from looking at the past achievements of a school if the head and the governors treat their task as having been totally defined by the Education Reform Act .
11 Now this procedure was used to , in inverted commas , diagnose a number of children in the Cleveland area as having been sexually abused .
12 Indeed , so marked was the Judaic orientation of the Celtic Church that it is on record as having been explicitly accused of Judaism , and its adherents of being Jews .
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