Example sentences of "[conj] [subord] [adj] [noun sg] be " in BNC.

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1 The regulations against which the Opposition are praying concern backdated entitlement to benefit where there has been official Department of Social Security error or where relevant evidence was not known at the time of the original DSS decision .
2 But this , as Nilsson says , would be the reverse of religious developments observed in other cultures , where various deities are combined or where one deity is given ever-stronger and more all-inclusive attributes and thus supersedes all the other deities .
3 Technological influences may be important where the plant or machinery is old , or where new technology is unsuccessful .
4 Consent will be needed where there is a clear express prohibition in a relevant contract or where that contract is " personal " .
5 This is particularly effective in situations where the sender of a message is working in an area far from any telephone extension , and would therefore find it difficult to alert a pager system , or where two-say conversation is necessary during the course of certain operations .
6 Branches should refer to HO Home Claims & Support in the event of difficulty or where further guidance is required .
7 I do not remember how or where this decor was chosen .
8 Double or treble sub-letting of the work may occasionally occur either as a deliberate policy of the sub-contractor , or where more work is acquired than can be coped with .
9 Whenever a module is created in LIFESPAN it is assigned to a module manager , who remains responsible for it as long as it exists ( or until another user is assigned to the module ) .
10 It was she who was called upon when a neighbour had trouble at childbirth , or if good advice was being sought in matters of a domestic nature .
11 It may allow the airbrakes to open during a launch if the lever is knocked or if one side is unlocking a little before the other .
12 Once again no-one knows why , or if one woman is the ‘ leader ’ , but experiments have shown that male pheromones influence women 's periods too .
13 Trainers will still be able to change jockeys in exceptional circumstances — illness , injury or if another meeting is abandoned for example .
14 I say this in the presence of the Leader of the House : if , heaven help us , there are to be sanctions or if military action is to take place , there should at least be some statement to the House of Commons and a three-hour debate before we go further down that perilous road .
15 This may also be the case for the participant , either because the cosmologies themselves , which are often contradictory , admit of an alternative , mythical , more individualistic model of freedom , or because that alternative is evident in the nearby cities , where its attractions outweigh the possible negative features .
16 As to section 39(11) Mr. Langley relied on the decision of the Court of Appeal ( Dillon and Ralph Gibson L.JJ. ) in Bank of England v. Riley [ 1992 ] 2 W.L.R. 840 where the question was whether the defendant was entitled to refuse to answer interrogatories or disclose documents in reliance upon the privilege against self-incrimination , or whether that privilege was excluded by section 42 of the Act which entitles the Bank of England , inter alia , to require a person to attend and answer questions where the Bank has reasonable grounds for suspecting that a person is guilty of contravening various sections of the Act .
17 In an editorial on 2 November 1985 , headlined ‘ Unfinished Business ’ , it asked ‘ whether the structures and institutions of British life have been so shaken by six years of Mrs Thatcher that they can no longer fall back into their old ways — or whether more shaking is needed ? ’
18 ‘ without going into further detail I respectfully suggest that it is on any view wrong to introduce into this branch of the criminal law questions whether particular contracts are void or voidable on the ground of mistake or fraud or whether any mistake is sufficiently fundamental to vitiate a contract .
19 I respectfully suggest that it is on any view wrong to introduce into this branch of the criminal law questions whether particular contracts are void or voidable on the ground of mistake or fraud or whether any mistake is sufficiently fundamental to vitiate a contract .
20 It is difficult to say whether this was a fertility belief or whether this day was chosen simply because Good Friday was usually a holiday for the old farming community and therefore a convenient occasion for a workman to plant his own garden .
21 It is generally accepted that privatisation will have the most favourable effect on competition when monopolies are broken up or when new competition is introduced .
22 Links of this sort are intuitively likely to be stronger when local government has a major construction programme , with orders to distribute , or when large-scale development is on the cards and council co-operation is needed to ensure its success .
23 However , for enquiry systems with no sequential requirement , or when that requirement is minimal , a well-designed direct file will outperform a well-designed indexed-sequential file , often very substantially .
24 They are a well tolerated and a cheaper alternative to elemental diets , which merit serious consideration as treatment of active Crohn 's disease , specially in malnourished patients or when steroid treatment is contraindicated .
25 When serious consequences can follow from human errors , e.g. in flying an aircraft , or when on-line operation is too expensive to be trusted to the hands of trainees , e.g. in process control , there is obviously a case for providing training devices which simulate the performance of on-line systems .
26 This does not apply , however , to money ordered to be paid into court , to payments from debtors under warrants , attachment of earnings orders , administration orders and a small number of minor provisions , to some orders as to enforcement , nor where any party is under disability ; in those cases where the court will be taking payments , all other payments will be made direct from debtor to creditor .
27 Confidence is an essential ingredient in happy child rearing , and many experts on child care recognize that where such confidence is found , it should not be attacked , as it is the foundation of the mother-child relationship .
28 A further point to note in connection with person deixis , is that where face-to-face contact is lost , languages often enforce a distinct mode of , for instance , self-introduction .
29 He said that where total headcount was 126,000 at the end of fiscal year 1989 , over the last two years , the company has added 11,000 employees , primarily through acquisitions while reducing overall headcount so that at June 30 , headcount was 113,800 , for a total reduction of more than 23,000 since 1989 .
30 The Control of Pollution Act 1974 provides that where any damage is caused by poisonous , noxious or polluting waste which has been deposited on land , any person who deposited it or caused or knowingly permitted it to be deposited is civilly liable for the damage , provided that his act constituted an offence under section 3(3) or section 18(2) of the Act .
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