Example sentences of "[conj] [subord] [noun] [verb] get " in BNC.

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1 I gave him Robert 's ( old , unfortunately ) , address ; I do n't know if contact has been made , or if Charley has got somewhere to stay .
2 I believe that if feminism has got something to say then it 's certainly not getting its message to the masses of ordinary women .
3 Okay so another another K word key well you wo could have guessed that if key has got a K then keyhole pretty certainly have a
4 Yeah it 's one thing that er we have to reem reemphasize to people and usually I do it on the phone , that if people have got businesses erm the way look at it there 's such a commitment by this company
5 Another thing that tickled me about that game was that when vinny had got his second he went over to one of the hoardings that had ‘ Alexei Sayle ’ written on it and kicked the shit out of it for some reason ( same goal I think as above )
6 People stepped around her as she stood there , debating how much of the tale was true and where Wainfleet had got it .
7 Seems I was right all the same , and if Harry 's got money to spare as he does n't know what to do with , then it 's not for us to deny his right to spend it any whichaway he pleases .
8 And if Jim 's got some some new form of escalator that he wants to er sell to the customers , or or or whatever , th then
9 And if Labour 'd got in they 'd of er , your dad said he 'd er probably got a rise
10 Well they should n't do cos cos Richard 's got Sarah .
11 What happens if if Labour had got one more vote than Conservative .
12 Cos because Cath 's got a cold and she thinks it
13 And at last , and most imprudently , he married an ambitious tyrant who drove him up the career ladder , and when things began to get too much he set to work on a toy church with pastor , pulpit , congregation , organ and so forth .
14 And when Jenny had got ill , she had been willful again , told herself she could manage to get her better without having the doctor to see her .
15 But the friendship endured , and when Dimity did get married later , their affection survived the break .
16 But if things have got that bad , one way of forgetting your problems would be through the attentions of workers from Angels Escort Agency in Chelsea .
17 This may not be feasible where there is a very large number of candidates , but if people have got through the original application forms stage of selection it will be worth making an effort to see them in person .
18 But if Bobby wanted to get in on it now , he 'd have been turned away at the door : the elitists would have laughed at him for being in an indie band and ‘ Loaded ’ might never have been produced .
19 Though if Jimmy had got it right — and his sources were normally very reliable — and Mr Massingham was indeed going to be one of their number , then she would n't be surprised if he had already arrived .
20 as though God had got tired of His landscapes .
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