Example sentences of "[conj] [v-ing] it [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The putting of the city to the ban , or devoting it to the Lord , as the RSV puts it , is part of Joshua 's final orders to the people on the seventh day , and receives no mention in God 's initial instructions to him .
2 He seemed more likely to blow a kiss than to throw a punch ; to be at a dinner-table than to be down in the dives ; to be rubbing shoulders than to be shoving or sticking it to the comfortable ( I almost said to the bourgeoisie . )
3 The trap to be avoided here is to turn the exercise into another source of demand by forcing yourself to go faster every day , swearing that you are going to beat your partner next time , or overdoing it with the weights .
4 The draftsman should therefore consider whether the landlord should have the right to enter the demise for other purposes also ( eg testing the property , taking samples from it or measuring it for the purpose of rent review ) .
5 Alternatively , you could use a medium-weight microfibre , wool or a wool mix , leaving it unlined , or lining it with the fabric of your choice .
6 Getting him to eat was no problem , but preventing him throwing his food around or trampling it into the floor was .
7 The pervading atmosphere is one of the 1910s and 1920s , and the tone is set by the holiday houses hiding , like Undertown , among macracarpa trees , or braving it on the cliff with their faces looking to the Atlantic .
8 for delivering it from one part of his premises to another part of his premises , or for delivering it from his premises to the premises of , or between parts of premises of , another manufacturer or repairer of or dealer in mechanically propelled vehicles or removing it from the premises of another manufacturer or repairer of or dealer in mechanically propelled vehicles direct to his own premises ;
9 It 's that or hacking it with the hammers .
10 are the relatively simple techniques relating to the facts about costs and outputs — numbers of staff , numbers of applications dealt with capable of being developed to deal with far more complex questions about outcomes : what did this activity actually achieve , in terms of modernizing British industry … improving the nation 's health , or educating it for the 21st century ?
11 Sometimes , however , it is sensible to think of reducing length for a short player or increasing it for the giant .
12 It had been so dry that two days under the warm sun had been enough without letting it stand in stooks or draping it on the hedges .
13 The leader of the Kosovo Parliamentary Party , Veton Suroi , was subsequently sentenced to two months ' imprisonment for organising the event without seeking permission , or registering it with the police .
14 Everything goes fine until , having chosen the number of blend steps ( or leaving it at the default number ) , I click on OK .
15 I notice that even when you are simply listening to music on tape or watching it on the TV monitor when you are editing you are still breathing with the music even though you are not conducting it .
16 or watching it on the radio or television .
17 It is recommended that this error log is never allowed to grow so large that typing it to the screen takes a significant amount of time .
18 This is seen as a shade different from the enforcement of a sentence as such ; and there can be a practical difference where , as is often the case , the enforcing State keeps the confiscated property rather than than transmitting it to the State in which the order was made .
19 There is no better way of practising the language one is learning than using it outside the classroom .
20 What you are aiming at is a steady indication on the localiser needle , rather than returning it to the centre .
21 and it 's cheaper than ordering it off the catalogue .
22 I like it when you 've got the FX actually going through the amplifier , rather than adding it at the desk , because there 's a certain quality and tonality when everything 's going through that guitar speaker .
23 Indeed so high was their reputation for self-denial in this respect that in the first years of the twentieth century the brothers Paul and Jules Cambon , French ambassadors in London and Berlin respectively , entrusted their private correspondence regularly to the British diplomatic bag rather than sending it through the French ministry of foreign affairs or the French post office : if either of these channels had been used it would almost certainly have been opened and read .
24 For most of the time since 1986 , many parent companies would have done better putting their money safely in a bank deposit than risking it in the securities markets .
25 pull it up , well they might leave it and just co disconnect it but they they 'd have to bring it in , I do n't it 'd be better I think if we had ours in the back because the , the telephone thing comes in from the back be better than having it in the , in the passage really .
26 But I , but I think you know the , the , the thing that I found erm most difficult as you say was , was actually completing the C C Q and I think part of it and asking the question but it is , certainly it would be easier to do it using that on your knee rather than doing it at the table because I was aware that I was turning away
27 But for him to go self-employed will cost him more money than doing it on the bl black market .
28 Well no cos it 's better receiving Valentines card rather than hearing it over the phone really why they gave them out
29 Georgina Naylor of the National Heritage Memorial Fund explained that securing the house under the charity was a cheaper solution than placing it with the National Trust and also allowed a greater individuality .
30 It is an act of love to roll the toothpaste tube if we know that squeezing it in the middle irritates our partner .
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