Example sentences of "[conj] [v-ing] to be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Patients were selected from a group of 496 patients with insulin dependent diabetes who attended our clinic regularly , according to the following criteria : they were aged 18–60 , had insulin dependent diabetes mellitus of at least five years ' duration , had a stable body mass index not exceeding 30 kg/m , a glycated haemoglobin concentration of less than 10% , were not hypertensive ( supine blood pressure less than 160/95 mm Hg and no antihypertensive treatment ) , had persistent microalbuminuria — that is , urinary albumin excretion between 30 and 300 mg/24 h at least twice during the previous six months — were not pregnant or wanting to be pregnant , and had no chronic disease other than diabetes .
2 We were all young — or trying to be young .
3 Or trying to be funny ?
4 Portuguese , although appearing to be similar to Spanish on paper , is pronounced completely differently , and so despite the fact that we could communicate in French and Spanish , we could not make ourselves understood in Portuguese other than to ask , ‘ Fala ingles ? — do you speak English ? ’
5 ‘ There 's nothing more depressing than pretending to be jolly in a prison camp . ’
6 A human figure was somehow trapped in the plasterwork of that wall at the waist , twisting and scrabbling and thrashing to be free .
7 In moral education , the young person needs to acquire sufficient knowledge and understanding to be able to make a mature , personal response to Jesus ' invitation in relation to judgements of moral value .
8 The rationalist approach , by contrast , is concerned with abstraction rather than facts , stressing the need for deductive consistency and tending to be dogmatic and definitive .
9 Committees are places where you can see people snoozing , picking their noses and pretending to be interested in subjects which are of no interest to them .
10 She was n't smiling but she was obviously being polite , nodding and asking questions and pretending to be interested in the answers .
11 He vacillates between describing the connection between creativity and psychosis as ‘ folk-loristic ’ and ‘ clearly exaggerated ’ , and confessing to be puzzled that it has been documented so often .
12 The political background was likely to be a country clamouring for tougher punishments and wanting to be convinced that crime will be dealt with , while expert reports called for less resort to prison sentencing .
13 He has the freshness of hope of someone who has yet to fully experience the closed shop of London 's damagingly influential network , yet with the cynicism of one who is ready and waiting to be disillusioned , who knows that to make any impact is n't going to be easy .
14 Well I had that with this little locum , but er , a South African , did n't feel a thing , mind you a lot of fillings came out thought just had to go back and have it put in again , but she drilled such a small whole that , that , the dentist I saw , another nice young man , cos my dentist had gone , she 's re-filled it , and going to be alright because her fillings out and it was a bit rough , they did n't sort of goes inwards sort of
15 I like everything to be clean — not particularly tidy-I like the washing and ironing to be nice — nice and clean and nicely ironed .
16 Emphasis is put on speed range control , mastering emergency procedures and getting to be familiar with use of engine , propeller and the pressurisation .
17 I could n't face going back to that flat in West Kensington not knowing what to do with my life and having to be pleasant , and not being respected by anyone .
18 ‘ It ca n't be much fun living next door to Dersingham and having to be grateful to him for having given you a living .
19 Growing up and learning to be independent can then be happier and healthier .
20 Can he explain that contradiction , or is he just a politician running scared of the electorate and trying to be all things to all people ?
21 Pointless samples start every song ; the beat is ridiculously loud and trying to be ravey but is too cluttered and shuffling ; the addition of a backing singer adds little to Peter Hooton 's irritating foghorn voice ; the guitars are still chiming , charmless indie-dance sounds throughout ; they still look like brickies and Peter Hooton still dances like my dad .
22 Families have the worry of trying to keep things together and trying to be supportive in a tense situation .
23 ‘ Stop guessing and trying to be clever . ’
24 He was calmer , too , and trying to be persuasive .
25 In Venice she had nothing beyond the one case except for learning Italian , teaching English , sightseeing and trying to be patient with , and understand , her increasingly morose husband .
26 He was carrying this money around and trying to be flash .
27 But getting to be one of these fashionable high-flying image makers with a top salary is hard going .
28 Dressing well is OK , wanting quality is great , but trying to be trendy is out .
29 There is also the interesting case of the experimental company which ‘ staged ’ ‘ dramatic situations ’ , such as a fierce marital row , in restaurants , while appearing to be ordinary customers .
30 Our Institute must find a way to defend our interests in the matter of fee income while appearing to be concerned for the public interest as well .
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