Example sentences of "[conj] [v-ing] a [noun] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Other ideas put forward include renaming the stairs to Wembley 's Royal box as the Bobby Moore steps , or introducing a Bobby Moore trophy .
2 The idea of having a rapper and using a James Brown melody line as your hook was done a long , long time ago — by us !
3 We washed six place settings ( one side plate , one dinner plate , one pudding bowl , one dessert plate for each setting , plus one large serving platter and three serving dishes ) , cutlery ( eight pieces for each place setting ) , six champagne , red wine and white wine glasses , a roasting tin , four saucepans , four serving spoons , a carving knife and fork , six coffee cups and saucers and a cafétière , both by hand and using a Bosch SMS 6032 dishwasher to compare use of water and detergents and the end results .
4 It had become an older , slower , more exacting entertainment , if indeed it was still entertainment of any sort : no longer Mission Impossible but , as Senator Warren Rudman put it , ‘ like sitting on a winter night in New Hampshire with a blizzard raging outside and reading a Robert Ludlum novel ’ .
5 I was fighting back against the cancer by diet , relaxation , visualization and hugging a Populus alba , but I needed even more .
6 Over the years the Victor has not had the glamour or attention that has been bestowed on the Vulcan so I am seriously considering starting a Handley Page Victor Association .
7 When producing an illustration Minton had to be pragmatic : there was a need for clarity , to attract and hold the eye , for a decorative solution that did not conflict with the commercial purpose of the commission .
8 As though their own countryside let them down compared to that of Italy , the wealthy English had with them when travelling a Claude Glass through which they viewed the passing landscape from their carriages .
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