Example sentences of "[conj] [v-ing] [that] i had " in BNC.

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1 Rather than concluding that I had been too radical in Opposition , I fast came to the view 1 had been too cautious .
2 Indeed it was one of the most shocking stories of police corruption and legal incompetence I had ever read , and believing that I had the ability to rectify it , I decided , whatever my other commitments , that I must bring it to public notice as soon as possible .
3 Perhaps my basic thoughts were externalized by reading Crime and Punishment by Dostoievsky , and realizing that I had a basic Napoleonic complex .
4 I was in charge of the rummage crew , and feeling that I had done my bit went to find the others .
5 By next morning I 'd only got as far as realising that I had to talk you round . ’
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