Example sentences of "[conj] [v-ing] [noun] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes these informal meetings led parents to form a task force to help meet a particular school need — covering library books , repairing and repainting of toys , making simple equipment or assisting teachers with classroom chores .
2 Uniform provision of services as opposed to discrimination or targeting services towards groups with high needs become the norm .
3 Turntable is recessed into oven floor and it can be switched off when grilling or microwaving food in square or rectangular dishes .
4 Escaping capture , he led the 1,500-strong " Prestes Column " on a two-year 25,000-km march through Brazil 's interior , fighting off or eluding attacks by government forces and the private armies of landlords , while seeking in vain to enlist peasant support .
5 ‘ This does not include sickness or holiday relief , additional staff at peak times , or allowing time for supervisors performing other duties . ’
6 The children must have found the silence or edifying talk at table somewhat tedious , as also the prohibitions on all dancing , dicing and wrestling .
7 For most other jobs that we take on in life , there will be an element of training , but , in the case of achieving or maintaining health through diet , this is not always so .
8 These are images of older people as kindly and inoffensive , sitting in front of their fires , or enjoying winter in hotels on the Costa del Sol .
9 You can then pull the headboard out and rest it at any angle on the mattress for reading , watching TV or enjoying breakfast in comfort .
10 The irony was not lost on the smiling Scot yesterday when he said : ‘ I wo n't be making comparisons or drawing conclusions on Wednesday .
11 Those preparing or using illustrations for publication should be trained in computer graphics , to spread the expertise as widely as possible .
12 Ball & Stick is a three dimensional molecular graphics program for Macintosh computers ( Mac Plus or later ) aiming to provide publication-quality images of models constructed from library fragments or using coordinates from databases , calculations or experiment .
13 The organisational side of the investigation described here will in the great majority of cases reveal what went wrong , either physically and mechanically or from a procedural or handling point of view .
14 acting as official or sponsoring broker for admission to listing on LSE or USM
15 Consequently she never stopped bellyaching to Daisy about how all the other Pony Club members had at least three ponies , and how humiliating it was having to hack to meetings when everyone else rolled up either in the latest horse boxes with grooms , or driving Porsches with telephones .
16 There was controversy in the second-century churches whether a Christian could be a magistrate or bear public authority , activities which might require apparently compromising with idolatry or condemning criminals to execution .
17 The WTA offered hiking , rambling or climbing holidays at home and abroad , centre-based holidays by the sea , mountains or in the tourist centres of Europe .
18 The traditional occupation of Duravas was toddy tapping , or climbing trees in order to extract sap with which to make toddy , a mild alcoholic drink .
19 His plans , from which two models were made , substituted a clipping or shearing action for Ogle 's rotary one .
20 Besides anchorites who were physically enclosed , there were also those who led eremitical lives of greater physical mobility , preaching and teaching , sometimes performing labouring tasks like road-mending or keeping care of bridges , sometimes living more haphazardly off the charity of others .
21 He adapted from the earthen vessel used by Yorkshire housewives for washing linen , a ‘ pneumatic trough ’ for collecting or keeping gases over water .
22 This was the case in their technique of writing or drawing on photos , or photographing bits of reality , like J.A .
23 This was the case in their technique of writing or drawing on photos , or photographing bits of reality — like J. A. Boiffard 's telescopically enlarged shot of a big toe ( Le Gros Orteil ) — which seem primarily to be ( in this case phallic ) signifiers .
24 You may try to do this by defining or explaining racism in terms which are specific to these two instances , but which also count you out .
25 There would be no point to developing or applying principles of group responsibility if we did not assume that these were connected to judgments about how real people must now act .
26 However , his complex arguments and bitter feuds with the Holy See were in the realm of politics ; kings , emperors and popes were well practised in setting aside or utilising matters of faith and devotion when it came to controlling the apparatus of temporal power .
27 For this reason I will not concentrate upon analysing or categorising lists of attributes .
28 Mazmanian finds participation effective in such process goals as leading to public appreciation of the Engineers ' work , but not in what he calls ‘ product ’ goals , such as increasing public support for the projects or recommending courses of action .
29 They were responsible for the complete show , which was why stories of stars giving notes to other actors or ordering changes in sets and costumes were not just examples of megalomania , but the desire to maintain the overall standard of whatever production they put their names to .
30 Environmentalists are groups , such as Friends of the Earth , who run single issue campaigns , recycling bottles or saving whales for example .
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