Example sentences of "[conj] [v-ing] [verb] [pron] own " in BNC.

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1 The batting side with wickets in hand — whether it is chasing a target score or seeking to maximise its own total — now launches an all-out assault on the bowlers trying to raise the scoring tempo to seven or more runs per over .
2 However , his view that each thing has an essence and that all its active behaviour is to be explained by its inbuilt conatus or striving to preserve its own essence has a strong Aristotelian flavour .
3 For 16 months , like a prince in medieval England who succeeds to the throne before he comes of age , he was tied to a particular past and regime , hedged by his predecessor 's courtiers and advisers , living through his minority and aching to make his own mark .
4 This coming and going caused its own problems , though .
5 Despite helping to keep the cities ' streets free of litter , and striving to earn their own keep , they are often treated as vermin by police , who harass and bribe them for ‘ protection ’ money .
6 In relation to our " design-and-society " problem , design , in rending itself from the social fabric and attempting to construct itself as an independent discipline — and having constructed its own pantheon of values and principles with only tangential relation to the social — becomes , quite literally , socially unintelligible .
7 Again , failure to do so could result in you losing your Legal Aid and having to pay your own legal costs .
8 The principles on which recovery and success have been based are those which , like so many others , I first began to understand for myself when I was growing up and trying to make my own way in the world .
9 Salvation could only be sought with a leader who possessed personal power and was prepared to take personal responsibility , sweeping away the causes of the misery and the faceless politicians and bureaucrats who prevail over it , and seeming to impose his own personal power upon the force of history itself .
10 Loaded as it was with connotations of the body and pleasure — analogous to homosexuals in the United Kingdom , cast as out-groups , as bogeymen by the dominant culture , but attempting to fashion their own , necessarily coded , meanings rock 'n' roll was at first tolerated , because of its economic attractiveness , and then actively suppressed .
11 Moscow 's current policy in Latin America is aimed at undermining US influence while seeking to develop its own ties with the more ‘ progressive ’ and independent governments , and events have demonstrated that anti-Communism can no longer be regarded as a significant impediment to the success of such a policy .
12 He saw the trenches as an extreme social situation in which millions of men were involved in trying to kill each other while trying to save their own lives .
13 BA is no Virgin ( if you get the pun ) and always reminds others to play by the rules , whilst seeming to ignore its own advice .
14 Within such a discourse national intellectuals need not see themselves as attempting to impose their own culture orientations upon a majority population .
15 You pay for people 's time , including managers ' time , credit department 's time , typists ' time , administrative staff 's time , sales representatives ' time , as well as having to contribute your own time as well .
16 Even something as purely physical as exercising brings its own awareness .
17 Harvey squeezed the sweat from his face with the edge of his hand and then he looked at his hand as though trying to tell his own fortune .
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