Example sentences of "[conj] [num] are [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Now we get 200 a month , of which more than 100 are coming from employers who want to develop such policies …
2 The Trust surveyed 83 species , and found that 33 are nesting between one and 22 days early , in a trend which started in the mid-1970s .
3 But many of the Andalucian farm workers who voted for the Socialists in 1982 and 1986 are turning to Mr Pacheco 's party to voice their discontent .
4 The Chairman was also able to report that the new Fast Afloat Boats ( FAB ) 3 and 4 are progressing on schedule .
5 The drug industry points out that either course could harm more people than it helps , particularly if thousands are benefiting from the treatment .
6 ‘ Of five Teletel calls , one is oriented toward games or messaging , but four are asking for services and of those four , two are completely professional , ’ he noted .
7 Mr Dobson said : ‘ At £80,000 a day , she 's earning £55 a minute while millions are struggling on £43-a-week dole . ’
8 GIRLS as young as nine are dieting in the hope of achieving the willowy figures of models they admire in fashion magazines and on television .
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